View Full Version : How to install Truecrypt (tcnext) on Linux, GUI

10-16-2015, 04:17 PM
How to install truecrypt and have graphical user interface of the TCnext?

I did it like this:

1) go to https://truecrypt.ch/downloads/
2) download appropriate Linux package, i have 64bit linux, so i downloaded truecrypt-7.1a-linux-x64.tar.gz (https://download.truecrypt.ch/current/truecrypt-7.1a-linux-x64.tar.gz)
3) open downloaded archive and extract the content ("truecrypt-7.1a-setup-x64" file in my case)
4) go to the terminal and go to directory where you extracted file. In my case:
cd Downloads
5) run the file:

Then im able to find Truecrypt in Menu / Accessories