View Full Version : Installing "Easy Hosting Control Panel" (EHCP) on Ubuntu Linux

10-05-2015, 06:43 PM
Installing "Easy Hosting Control Panel" (EHCP) on Ubuntu Linux


My EHCP review:
it is NOT newbie friendly panel like zPanel (http://internetlifeforum.com/mysql-apache-php/2194-how-setup-website-server-zpanel-control-panel/). The design of the panel is done old way like 1990. nginx did not started when i click start, i cant see cronjob icon.

OS requirements:
EHCP authors says that EHCP automatic installer should be run on Debian based Linux (Ubuntu, Debian..).

Download & run installer:

wget -O ehcp.tgz www.ehcp.net/ehcp_latest.tgz;tar (http://www.ehcp.net/ehcp_latest.tgz;tar) -xzf ehcp.tgz;rm -f ehcp.tgz;cd ehcp;./install.sh


wget -O ehcp.tgz http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ehcp/ehcp_latest.tgz?r=&ts=1444070434&use_mirror=skylineservers;tar -xzf ehcp.tgz;rm -f ehcp.tgz;cd ehcp;./install.sh

Installation can take tens of minutes. With numerous interruptions for user input.

After installation, control panel should be at: http://yourserverIP/ehcp
login username: admin