View Full Version : EasyCP installation manual for Ubuntu (12.04 & 14.04)

09-30-2015, 07:11 PM
Here is my installation manual

This control panel appears to be very unfriendly in case you want to use it for webhosting. I recommend zPanel as much more friendly panel. Second one Kloxo, all easier to work with than this one.

RAM usage (without buffers/caches) before: 12Mb, after: 443Mb
HDD usage before: 461M, after: 1400M !

Ubuntu installation

EasyCP system recommendation
Pentium III or K6-4 with 500 MHz
512 MB RAM
100 MB disk space (only for install of EasySCP)
Debian (or even any other *NIX-Distribution)

Find download link of latest EasyCP at http://www.easyscp.net/download/index.php

copy download link (i used http://www.easyscp.net/download/index.php/EntryFile/75-easyscp-2-0-0-rc-tar-gz/) into following command & execute it:

# wget http://www.easyscp.net/download/index.php/EntryFile/75-easyscp-2-0-0-rc-tar-gz/ -O easyscp.tar.gz && tar xzf easyscp.tar.gz && rm -f easyscp.tar.gz;cd easyscp*;ls -lh

In following command, you can also use 1204 instead of 1404

# sudo apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-1404) -y;php5enmod mcrypt

If received "FATAL -> Failed to fork." error, retry previous command. If repeatedly fails, probably will need to increase RAM.

If requested, set new mysql root password

If requested, to setup self signed certifficate, proceed with default values

If requested to setup proftpd, select Standalone

If requested to configure "pdns-backend-mysql", select No

Run EasyCP setup:
# ./easyscp-setup.sh


enter mysql root password you used during installation. Forgot? uninstall mysql and install it again.

as the domain from which EasyCP will be accessible, i used my server IP.

Here is default installation manual

4) Installation

1. Untar or unzip the distribution files (http://www.easyscp.net/download/index.php/CategoryList/) to a secure directory:
# cd /usr/src
# sudo tar xfvz easyscp-2.0.0.tar.gz
or when you load Bzip2 Archive
# sudo tar xjvf easyscp-2.0.0.tar.bz2

2. Change to the newly created directory:
# cd ./easyscp-2.0.0

3. Install the required packages

First update your system:
# sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Install all required packages:

# sudo apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-1204)
# sudo apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-1404)

If you get to the "ProFTPD configuration" screen, select 'standalone'.
If you get to the "Postfix configuration" screen select 'internet site'.
'mail name' should be the server's domain.
If you've set debian up correctly on install your domain should be already shown.
If you get to the 'Configuring pdns-backend-mysql' screen about database configuration, select 'no'.

4. Enable php modul mcrypt (only needed on Ubuntu 14.04)

# php5enmod mcrypt

5. Start the basic setup:
# ./easyscp-setup.sh

Setup will now Build the Software and copy all the directories into your system.
After that, Setup will then secure your MySQL installation.
Change or create MySQL root password, remove anonymous users, disallow root login remotely, remove test database (and access to it), reload privilege tables.

If no error occour go to the web-frontend and install EasySCP step-by-step.

If you get no error, all went good; if you get one, look at http://www.easyscp.net to solve the problem.

no guarantee provided that it will work