View Full Version : Basic Info on SiteMap?

06-06-2013, 09:05 AM
Sitemap is shows our full in-depth of information about our website links or navigation's..Sitemap can be divided into two types..i.e. XML Sitemap and HTML Sitemap..XML sitemap is useful to easily index in search engines while crawling our website this will be useful to create a search engine friendly structure and coming to HTML sitemap, which is very useful to user-friendly website for user...

04-30-2016, 12:42 PM
The XML sitemap is the page that used to created spiders and users to navigate a website easier.

05-03-2016, 07:23 AM
An xml sitemap just makes it easier for spiders to crawl your website.

04-20-2018, 05:07 AM
It's a simple text files that provide details for every URL on a website

04-26-2018, 05:13 AM
xml sitemap is to make an easier for spiders (http://www.aavinashpestcontrol.com/termite-control.html) to crawl our website.