View Full Version : How to change hosting / transfer website to new hosting?

07-10-2015, 09:49 AM

I want to ask how you would recommend changing webhosting / transfering website to a different hosting account?

Here is one way: (it is simpliffied and may not be suitable for websites where are hosted "mission critical data")

1. find on how to backup a) your website files and b) mysql database
2. buy new hosting plan
3. copy backed up data to a new hosting
4. change domain name nameserver so it is your new hosting ones
5. modiffy website on your old hosting so people cant add new content and they know site is being transfered.

at this point all new visitors will start to see website on new hosting and you and all visitors who visited your site recently before transfer will still see site from old hosting.

afte rlike up to 72 hours all visitrs should see the site from new hosting account.

here you can backup your website data to your local computer and can let the old hosting account die.

10-18-2016, 11:44 AM
You need to contact the web hosting provider that can help you to transfer your web hosting services to another hosting provider.

11-23-2016, 03:11 AM
Basically, moving a website to another host consists of the following steps:

1. Moving the website's files.
2. Moving the website's database(s) (if it uses any).
3. Reconfiguring your application(s) to work at the new (http://incomecracker.com/liquid-web-black-friday/) location.
4. Pointing your domain's DNS (http://incomecracker.com/webhostingbuzz-black-friday/) to the new host.

01-11-2017, 04:41 AM
Most of the hosting providers these days provide free website transfer service. In that case you have to simply ask the new provider, and they will assist you in transfer of the site or might do all the processing by themselves.

02-08-2017, 02:03 PM
Good web hosting providers do offer website migration from the previous host to the new hosting plan that one has purchased from them. One needs to remember about the compatibility between the previous hosting plan and the new hosting plan i.e. the operating system and the control panel etc. Also one needs to keep in mind that unless the entire website data transfer is complete don’t cancel the hosting plan from the previous web host.

02-10-2017, 09:29 AM
remember about the compatibility ... the operating system and the control panel etc.
i think this does not matter. but if you are hosting some content management system like a Wordpress blog for example, then learn what this CMS require. Example google this phrasse: "wordpress requirements" and you find:
WordPress server requirements for Version 3.2+:

PHP version 5.2.4 or greater.
MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater or any version of MariaDB.
(Optional) (Required for Multisite) Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)

so ask your new hosting provider if they meet such requirements

02-12-2017, 02:19 AM
Moving large websites to another server can be a problem because of slow internet connection in India

03-15-2017, 09:13 PM
what is their guarantee of being able to restore your data? What measures do they have in place for this?
hosting providers are doing regular backups of the client's data

Moving large websites to another server can be a problem because of slow internet connection in India
Some providers offer free transfer so you can give them your current hosting login details and they will transfer data for you.
If they can not help with site transfer, then you can use FTP to download all files one by one, uploading them to new hosting. Then shut down your site and transfer mysql database. Once database transfered to the new provider, change your domain's nameservers to point to the new provider. done

09-04-2017, 10:19 AM
Many web hosts provide free migration from the existing host, so I would suggest you to subscribe with one such host for free migration and complete assistance.

11-09-2017, 05:42 PM
thanks a lot guys

02-19-2018, 04:04 PM
Well there are several WordPress migration plugin (https://www.cloudways.com/en/wordpress-migration-plugin.php) which will make the whole process smooth. Manually migrating your site can be a difficult job for newbie.

04-22-2018, 11:46 AM
I have lot of problem to change hosting. Who can explain to me, how to change website hosting?

07-31-2019, 08:14 AM
It is a common issue that your website files might get lost when you are changing your web host. Switching hosting providers is not a big deal but transferring your website to another host with zero downtime is important. First of all backup all your database and server. Then next you'll need to export all your database from your hosting provider and then Create a new data base to new server, Import mysql database tables to the new database and Now update the name server of your domain of new server. thats it.

08-21-2019, 11:55 AM

I want to ask how you would recommend changing webhosting / transfering website to a different hosting account?

Here is one way: (it is simpliffied and may not be suitable for websites where are hosted "mission critical data")

1. find on how to backup a) your website files and b) mysql database
2. buy new hosting plan
3. copy backed up data to a new hosting
4. change domain name nameserver so it is your new hosting ones
5. modiffy website on your old hosting so people cant add new content and they know site is being transfered.

at this point all new visitors will start to see website on new hosting and you and all visitors who visited your site recently before transfer will still see site from old hosting.

afte rlike up to 72 hours all visitrs should see the site from new hosting account.

here you can backup your website data to your local computer and can let the old hosting account die.

I don't know the other hosting providers but when I migrated my store using Cloudways WooCommerce hosting (https://www.cloudways.com/en/hosting-woocommerce.php) it takes one click for migration and the other things were handled by support. Which hosting you going to choose for migration? Every hosting provider has their migration tutorial. If you need help you can see this tutorial for migration (https://www.cloudways.com/blog/migrate-woocommerce-store-to-cloudways/).

01-19-2023, 05:08 PM
You first have to communicate with your hosting provider regarding their website migration steps. If you are using cpanel then your providercan directly transfer your website from one cpanel to another with one click.

But if you have to manually transfer your wordpress website (https://hoststud.com/resources/how-to-migrate-wordpress-website-to-a-new-domain-and-retain-seo-score.706/) then its a lengthy process, you have to create database and then import your database from backup.
Also you have to upload your zip file in your account.