View Full Version : What is Dark Websearch in seo?

06-18-2015, 09:04 AM
What is Dark Websearch in seo?

06-19-2015, 12:35 PM
I've never heard about this... Are you talking about Black-hat SEO? Dark websearch... Really strange, should check it now!

06-21-2015, 10:25 AM
Deep web / dark web is not indexed by engines like Google, Bing - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Web_(search_indexing)
There might be some Deep web search engines, just google it

I think dark/deep web is not important, small minority using it. If there is any SEO for it, find that search engine first and read more info on their page.

06-23-2015, 06:40 AM
The term Dark Websearch in seo is a massive storehouse of online data that regular search engines don't capture. That's because terabytes of information are buried in databases and other research resources. Searchable and accessible online but often ignored by conventional search engines.

09-16-2015, 12:12 PM
This a very confusing topic and allot of different answers. If there are only a minority using the deep web then why is it larger than what is actually indexed?

The deep web is like an iceberg. The tip that sticks out is the part of the whole web that is indexed and the rest of the ice berg that lies beneath is what is known as the deep web which isn't indexed.

You can search the deep web with browsers like tor browser and onion browser.