View Full Version : Which search engine (not Google) has most relevant, usefull search results?

06-01-2015, 02:05 PM
Which search engine (not Google) has most relevant/usefull search results?
Most people know Google has the best search results, but what is the best alternative when we look for the best relevant/usefull results?

Number of indexed pages
According to worldwidewebsize.com (http://www.worldwidewebsize.com/) , Google indexing 47 billion pages, Bing indexing 10 billion pages. List of search engines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_search_engines#Search_results
In above mentioned SE list, Google indexing approx. 47 billion pages. Bing & Yahoo indexing around 10 billion.

When compared Google/Bing/DuckDuckGo in 2013 (http://www.bluebugle.org/2013/02/google-bing-blekko-duckduckgo-comparison.html), in terms of relevancy, Bing was the second best.

Following is my subjective 2015 comparison / test

Testing: Google (https://www.google.com), Bing (https://www.bing.com), Yahoo (https://search.yahoo.com), DuckDuckGo (https://duckduckgo.com)(looking for relevancy/usefullness of results) on 1st page/SERP. Less points = better
G: 1 1 2 2 1-2 1 3 2 3-4 1 2 = 20
B: 2 3 3 4 2 2 2-3 2 2 1 3 = 26,5
Y: 4 3 2 3 3 2-3 3 1 2 1 4 = 28,5
D: 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 = 26
Result (from best to worst): Google (20), DuckDuckGo (26), Bing (26,5), Yahoo (28,5)

So the best Google alternative according to my subjective test appears to be DuckDuckGo & Bing

Used searched phrasses:
beautifull scenery
ubuntu privacy policy
one click firefox proxy
cheapest com domain renewal price
cpanel hosting with instant setup $1
Linux screen tutorial
Tips on how to never forget things
hockey world championship 2015 results
best search engine

Subjective NOTES from testing:

ADVERTISEMENTS in SERP: Bing,Yahoo advertisements on top of SERP are anoying
VIDEOS in SERP: Bing & Yahoo showing videos more frequently (not perfectly targetted) so its time/SERP space waste for me.
SUMARY: Google & DDG maybe value space more, less or no unrelevant Ads, more text results

Subjective NOTES on testing result
(1) Google, (2) DuckDuckGo, (3) Bing, (4) Yahoo
GOOGLE: overall most usefull results, very handy, no excessive videos & ads in SERP
DuckDuckGO: no ads, but slightly less usefull/relevant results than Google
BING: second best usefull results with DuckduckGo, downside 4me are ads which are not perfectly targetted & videos which i usually ignore as i want fast text answers
YAHOO: same as Bing, only slightly worse usefull results

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06-25-2020, 05:55 PM
I believe of all search engines Google and DuckDuckGo provide the most relevant search results.
Because they have better algorithms and they understand the searcher's intent in a much better way than other search engines.

08-10-2020, 10:53 AM
I believe that Yahoo and Google both search engine provide best result

Garnett Simpkin
11-05-2020, 12:18 PM

01-11-2021, 10:25 AM
Google is the most used and most studied in terms of SEO.
Studies in SEO and indexing generally focus (https://www.jeromeweb.net/web-pratique/21984-erreurs-campagne-display) on the google audience. The marketing policies of the largest e-commerce sites are based on Google.
For my part, I am used to using Google but I also use MSN or Yahoo from time to time.

01-11-2021, 07:12 PM
Bing, Yandex and DuckDuckGo could an alternative to Google

02-23-2021, 04:53 PM
Bing and yahoo, best alternative to Google

02-28-2021, 09:11 PM
I believe that Yahoo and Google both search engine provide best result

03-01-2021, 11:03 AM
I would prefer using Bing apart from Google as it provides more accurate results than any other search engines.

09-23-2021, 02:23 PM
If you want to keep your personal data safe, then stay away from all google products. I use DDG daily and im happy with how accurate its results are.

11-10-2021, 08:56 AM
I suggest Bing and Yahoo.

05-17-2022, 08:09 AM
yandex, but it high optimised for russian language

06-12-2022, 09:46 PM