View Full Version : Dedicated servers and CDN from SpaceCDN & InxyHost

Adam Greer
05-18-2015, 08:31 PM
InxyHost – the partner of your business you’ve been waiting for. We will give you a lot of benefits – and among them the total and full control over your server. We offer very convenient tools to manage the servers remotely by using iDRAC controllers that are useful and very stable, as well as secure. We provide any working environment you need, install any software you need and give you high-quality full-time support. The uptime of our servers goes up to 100% - we ensure that your server always stays connected and power supplied. In case of hardware failure we guarantee the replacement of failed part in 4 hours only.


Ordering our services you get more than just high-level service – you get needed stability. You will be sure that your project is up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and for the whole year.
We are looking forward to working with you and invite you to check what we have to offer you on our official website. In case there are any questions left feel free to contact us any time and our managers will help you with any related questions.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

Adam Greer
06-10-2015, 10:50 AM
SpaceCDN offers quality CDN service and great discounts if connecting to Edgecast provider.

• Order 10 mbps and you will get 1 mbps for 4 USD and the whole package for 40 USD.
• If you order 50 mbps you get the discount of 13%, 1 mbps for 3.5 USD and the full package for 175 USD.
• If your order is 100 mbps your discount will be 25% and 1 mbps of traffic will be 3 USD and the whole package will cost 300 USD.
• You will be able to get the discount of 38% by ordering 250 mbps of traffic - the full package will cost 625 USD, and 1 mbps - 2.5 USD.
• Even greater discount - 48%, will wait us if you order 500 mbps of traffic. The cost of 1 mbps will be 2.1 USD and 500 mbps will be 1050 USD.
• In case you plan to order 1000 mbps of traffic or more, contact our sales department using email [email protected] or live chat on our website. Also you will be able to contact us using the information on our official website - www.spacecdn.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-10-2015, 10:51 AM
InxyHost company is ready to offer you the following configurations of storage servers in EvoSwitch data-center in Netherlands:

- Dell PowerEdge R510 with two quad-core processors, 8Gb of RAM, 4 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 320 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R510 with two quad-core processors, 8Gb of RAM, 6 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 350 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R510 with two quad-core processors, 8Gb of RAM, 4 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 470 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R530 XD with two twelve-core processors, 32Gb of RAM, 6 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 510 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R530 XD with two twelve-core processors, 32Gb of RAM, 12 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 590 Eur.
You may order the server or learn about other configurations via live chat on our official website, email [email protected] or by using other contact information that is available on our official website www.inxyhost.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-12-2015, 02:09 PM
How to protect your server

The use of dedicated server is a good idea but to achieve the best results it must be well protected. Let us see how to achieve this.
1. Change the SSH listening port from standard
Standard listening port for SSH is 22 and it is a good idea to change it to something more obvious. It will allow to get rid of the automatic attacks.

2. Use the protected connection for your administration tasks
Always use TLS protocol to establish connection between your computer and server. It will allow to encode data and give hackers no chance to steal it.


3. Update your software regularly
It may seem obvious but not all people apply software updates. Timely updates, however, remove vulnerabilities and therefore leaves no chance for hackers to penetrate to your server.

4. Pay attention to your login details
Often people use some word or even date as a password, but it is a very bad idea. Stop this practice and use the secure password. Don't forget to store it in a reliable place and change it from time to time.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-15-2015, 01:00 PM
SpaceCDN offers their clients the ability to connect to provider EdgeCast on very good conditions. This provider is considered to be one of the best on the market and he is able to boast great reliability and speed of data transmission. Many leading companies choose the services of this provider that covers 20 countries, 33 locations and 53 points of presence all over the world.

Among other advantages we should also underline that this provider has minimal cycle of updates of analytical information.


SpaceCDN aims to give their clients all the best on the best conditions possible. If you have questions or you want to order our service or just need advice, you can always write to our email [email protected] or to live chat on the official website www.spacecdn.com. Our technical specialists will always be ready to help you whatever question you will have.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-18-2015, 01:12 PM
CDN allows to make the income from games greater

Games are popular source of income that is able to bring more money to those people who use it correctly. When creating new game the main focus is usually made on content and graphics, but it is necessary also to think about the general experience that the player gets.

CDN allows to make this experience much better and therefore to bring more money to developer. So what are the advantages of CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) for gaming industry?
- files are downloaded quicker - it can be said about gaming files and downloadable content as well as the network stability;

- the number of players increases - the quality content and quick load times will make customers satisfied and attract new ones;

- the income is growing - the more the player base is the more in-game purchases they make;

- you don't need to spend much money on hardware upgrade - as the player base grows the load is more, but using CDN will help to distribute this load among network servers and therefore decrease loads to the main server.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-22-2015, 12:32 PM
SpaceCDN and UCDN offer high speed and productivity in combination with affordable price. UCDN with the use of HTTP-caching method will allow to decrease the load from your main server and make costs less as well as attract additional clients.

CDN now are used everywhere -they help users to get content quicker and the ready solution is much cheaper then personal system deployment.


SpaceCDN is ready to offer best conditions while connecting to UCDN and give the best technical support. The connection is made in shortest time possible and the pricing is very flexible.

If you are interested in this offer, feel free to contact our sales department via email [email protected] or in chat on our website www.spacecdn.com .

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-25-2015, 11:16 AM
Dedicated server in the game world

Gaming server is the machine that allows to process the game events in different video-games. Such server will allow clients to exchange data with each other, to get the same version of the game world at the same points of time, to see the interaction of other players with the game world and to interact with it themselves.
Dedicated server is rather good for this purpose. The players usually connect with it with the help of special game clients. The advantage of dedicated server lies in the fact that it is located usually in professional data-center and therefore is extraordinarily reliable. The costs of such hosting are usually paid either by the game developers or by the in-game clans or guilds.

Dedicated server (http://www.inxyhost.com/) is a good solution in gaming world and is widely used nowadays.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-29-2015, 11:45 AM
InxyHost announces about great single-CPU solutions in EvoSwitch data-center in Netherlands. We offer the following solutions:

- Dell PowerEdge R200 - Quad Core Xeon X3330 processor, 8 Gb RAM, 2 HDD SAS x 300 Gb each, 15k RPM. Cost - 55 EUR.
- Dell PowerEdge R210 - Quad Core Xeon X3440 processor, 16 Gb RAM, 2 HDD SAS x 300 Gb each, 15k RPM. Cost - 70 EUR.
- Dell PowerEdge R210 II - Quad Core Xeon E3-1230v2 processor, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD SAS x 600 Gb each, 15k RPM. Cost - 100 EUR.
- Dell PowerEdge R220 - Quad Core Xeon E3-1230v3 processor, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD SAS x 480 Gb each, SSD Edge. Cost - 100 EUR.
- Dell PowerEdge R320 - Quad Core Xeon E5-2430v2 processor, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD SAS x 960 Gb each, SSD Edge. Cost - 150 EUR.
The cost of every solution includes monthly traffic of 10 Mbps. Please contact us via email [email protected] or via live chat on the official website www.inxyhost.com .

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-02-2015, 12:41 PM
CDN influence on SEO

CDN influences on the site load times that may be useful for SEO. Let us see the positive impact of CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) for SEO:
1. Quicker site load times - the quicker the site, the higher he is in search results;
2. Good user experience - the quicker the website is, the better the user experience is. This factor is taken into considerations of search systems too
3. Load times for Googlebot - most Google servers are located in the USA. That's why those CDN that have POPs in the USA will make your website faster for Googlebot.
4. Income increase - the quicker site and the better user experience means that you gain more revenue from sales or ads.


But for this to work you have to take several factors into consideration:

- correctness of CDN setup
- good uptime
- presence in needed location
- servers in the USA for Googlebot

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-06-2015, 11:28 AM
SpaceCDN offers the best CDN service. Any high-loaded project needs good content delivery management that will help to decrease load times and latency of your project.


If you use CDN you get certain benefits. Let us tell you more about the benefits you are about to get:

- the increase of performance of your web and corporate application;
- increase of transmission speed of your static content (i.e. JavaScript, CSS or HTTP) as well as its caching - the CDN network will allow users to get quick access to your content from virtually anywhere.
- CDN decreases load on your main server that will only be used for original data
- CDN due to numerous servers will be able to protect your projects from DDoS attacks.
If you got interested in our services, contact us via email [email protected] or live chat at www.spacecdn.com .

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-09-2015, 02:35 PM
What does colocation mean?

Colocation - the service that is provided by service provider by locating the client equipment in their own data-center and gives the steady supply of power, needed service as well as connects to wide internet-channels with good bandwidth.

Colocation allows to save on the channel from provider to client. The service is actually not limited by physical location of the equipment. The providers also give additional services, such as:

- server management;
- stats gathering and monitoring;
- remote access to server or other equipment, such as KVM;
- backup power supply;
- security;
- setting of the needed climate environment;
Some people think of colocation as of the type of hosting (http://www.inxyhost.com/) and some - as of separate service.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-13-2015, 11:52 AM
SpaceCDN is ready to offer the best options of connecting to the leading providers. We are currently working with Highwinds, UCDN, Leaseweb and EdgeCast and there are several reasons why you should choose us:

- friendly and always ready and able to help technical support;
- no payments up front;
- we offer our help on all stages of your project connection and then work;
- we give free consultations while choosing provider


Here are the advantages you get after you connect to CDN with us:
- you will save on traffic
- you will make your project work quickly
- your main website will be less loaded
- you will gain great advantages of scalability and loads
- you get increased security and reliability

We try to do our best to satisfy needs of every project and client. Contact us by using email [email protected] or chat on our official website www.spacecdn.com .

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-16-2015, 03:51 PM
Choosing the hosting platform - Windows or Unix?

Many newbies will get stuck on this question. Here we will try to explain the difference:

1. Reliability
IT-specialists prefer Unix here but we have to say that the reliability of Windows is very high too.

2. Convenience
The difference between Unix and Windows here is not too big, because providers give web-interfaces for both platforms.


3. Speed
In terms of speed of server there is no particular difference - the speed is rather comparable.

4. Functionality
This is the parameter that makes platforms different. Nevertheless you may find only small amount of tasks that may be solved on one platform and are unable to be performed on another.

5. Price
Price is decisive in most cases - here everything is simple - Unix is free for most times and you have to obtain paid license for Windows.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-21-2015, 06:09 AM
InxyHost offers the following single-CPU solutions in the USA:

- Dell PowerEdge R200, Quad Core Xeon X3220, 8 Gb RAM, 2 HDD with 300Gb each, 15К RPM.
- Dell PowerEdge R210 II, Quad Core Xeon E3-1270, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD with 300Gb each, 15К RPM.
- Dell PowerEdge R210 II, Quad Core Xeon E3-1270 v2, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD with 240Gb each, SSD EDGE.
- Dell PowerEdge R220, Quad Core Xeon E3-1231 v3, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD with 480Gb each, SSD EDGE.
- Dell PowerEdge R320, Quad Core Xeon E3-1231 v3, 32 Gb RAM, 2 HDD with 960Gb each, SSD EDGE.


We are working individually with all clients and our server list is vast. For additional information please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat at www.inxyhost.com .

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-24-2015, 05:52 AM
Usind CDN for increased speed and security

Speed and security - here are the main reasons why you should use CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) .Let us dig a little deeper into them.


The first and the main reason why most of project owners head towards CDN is the speed increase in data delivery. It is seen the most if the project is based on the shared hosting.


2. Security

CDN is a huge network of servers spread all over the world and that’s why hackers and mailcious software that is spread all over the Internet, won’t be able to get to your server where the original files are stored.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-27-2015, 01:22 PM
If you need loyal customers, try our service. SpaceCDN will help to make your content delivery faster, it doesn’t matter what files we speak of - small or large.

We are working with the best providers on the market - UCDN, Highwinds and Edgecast.
Using our services you will benefit from:
1. good bandwidth;
2. high-speed data transmission
3. flexibility of setup
4. full control
5. increased security


Having begun to use the service you will notice that the number of loyal customers will increase. If you are ISP, you will also benefit from CDN use. It will help to decrease load on your main network.

If you got interested, write to us via email [email protected] or via live chat on the official website www.spacecdn.com .

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
07-30-2015, 02:31 PM
Dedicated server and cloud computing

Cloud computing is popular now. Lately it is used more for hosting and often there are questions what is better - dedicated server or cloud hosting. Let us see what those two solutions comprise:

Dedicated server
Dedicated server (http://www.inxyhost.com/) is a widespread solution for virtually any kind of hosting. Such servers are reliable and recommended for any type of projects - complex and high-loaded websites, powerful web-applications, other resource-hungry projects with loads of traffic

Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting supposes that the server works on virtual software. For users everything looks as if they are using dedicated server, but actually they are not.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-03-2015, 12:57 PM
If you aim to deliver content to user as soon as possible you got to the right place. SpaceCDN offers you connection to the best providers on the market - UCDN, EdgeCast and Highwinds. We are ready to offer the best conditions possible. Your project will instantly benefit from high speeds, great security and reliability.


Our specialists will gladly help you to choose the provider that will suit your needs the most. Our advantages are the reliable support, convenient pay-as-you-go system, flexibility and individual apporach to every client. To get additional information or to order our services, write to us via email [email protected] or via live chat on the official website www.spacecdn.com . The greatest solutions on the CDN market await you.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-06-2015, 12:59 PM
Protect your dedicated server

If your dedicated server is down and all the job of tuning it turned out to be in vain, it is natural that you should think of its protection in future. You have to take certain safety precautions.
Let us see them:

1. Regular backups - this step should be performed on regular basis, it is very important
2. Security updates. Such updates, as a rule, bring additional stability and help to protect server better, so this step is also rather important
3. Diagnostics - this step should be performed rather often because it helps to see potential problems and solve them even before they evolve.
4. Monitoring - pay attention to your server (http://www.inxyhost.com/) personally, examine the state of network and hardware. Watch everything to work smooth.
By using those simple means and principles you will be able to protect your server much better.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-11-2015, 01:21 PM
Dedicated server is the great variant for every serious business. It may help to satisfy needs of any project. Dedicated servers are very flexible, they may be tuned the way it is needed for a project.

InxyHost offers not mere dedicated servers - they offer more than you need to optimize the work of your project. Our servers are positioned in big data-centers of the USA and Netherlands. Experienced support will gladly solve any technical question arising and let you concentrate on business development.
We offer great stability, reliability, quality service and high uptime values. Write us to email [email protected] or to chat on the official webstie www.inxyhost.com .

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-14-2015, 06:43 AM
The most important information about CDN

Newbies often ask different questions about CDN, that’s why we decided to take the most important and interesting information and share it with you.
CDN’s main goal is the quick content delivery - the quickest possible for the end user. Such network is vital when you need to gain high levels of scalability. CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) helps a lot in security related questions - it provides good protection from DDoS attacks and other dangerous threats. CDN’s are usually easily set up and are ready to work with your project in several hours. The cost of CDN providers services may be different - many things depend on the size of the network and different other things.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-17-2015, 12:40 PM
Inxyhost offers great advantage of dedicated servers. We are ready to satisfy any needs by offering different configurations, quality service and additional services.

What we offer is total independence. Here dedicated servers have advantage over virtual hosting or virtual dedicated server. By choosing such solution you get separate equipment that is used for your purpses only. This means that you may set up it as you like. After you lease dedicated server from us you will be able not to spend money on buying your own server and also to repair and upgrade it. With us you will be able to save money. We offer affordable solutions for high-loaded projects and websites of business-level.
Our professional IT-specialists are monitoring the equipment for 24 hours a day and are ready to cope with any problems as soon as they arise.

All our servers have full-managed status. To get additional information or to make an order write to us via email [email protected] or to live chat on our official website www.inxyhost.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-20-2015, 01:52 PM
5 reasons to use CDN for business

If you have heard about web hosting, you surely have heared about CDN. But is such network needed by your business? Le us think about it:
1.Your website is not quick enough
Website is the face of your business. The quicker it loads, the better results you get from users.
2. Big amount of users or media rich content
If you have a big amount of users and they work with media rich content, CDN will allow to make the task more simple.
3. You expect rapid growth or some viral content
Your current hosting may not cope with it and CDN will help to reduce the load on your server
4. You are online vendor
All online vendors need to have speedy website. CDN will help here as well.
5. You work with clients all over the world

If you have traffic from all over the world, use CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) and then your clients will get the content from you equally fast.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-24-2015, 12:53 PM
InxyHost team offers dedicated servers for any task. We will help you to choose what you really need for your project and the best we can for your budget. All our dedicated servers are full-managed and this means that you will be able to concentrate on the project and not on the technical side.
We offer Dell servers - it is the brand that proved itself to be reliable in almost all spheres. Our company offers not only reliable and quality equipment, but also the high-qualified technical support. Our specialists will help you to cope even with the most difficult tasks in time. You may order dedicated server of get additional information via email [email protected] or via live chat on the official website www.inxyhost.com . We work individually with every client.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-27-2015, 12:41 PM
Do you need CDN?

CDN is the mean of quick content delivery to the end user. Such content may be very different - it may be statical site, video streaming games and many more, including the high loaded applications. Speed here matters a lot as well as productivity. The competition is very high on the market and your clients will easily go away if the resource will be loading for longer than expected.
CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) allows to avoid such scenario by giving your content to the end user from the geographically closest server and thus much quicker. It is very important if you plan to lead your business to a new level. CDN will allow you to work equally effective with the users that are located in different parts of the world. So CDN may be called a very effective solution when it comes to content delivery.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
08-31-2015, 12:51 PM
Welcome to SpaceCDN.

Working with the leading providers we offer the best conditions possible. Your clients will get your data very quickly because they will receive it from the closest loaction possible. Your resource will stand virtually any load and you won’t have to spend much time on new personal network deployment that may become very costly.
Come to us today - connect to CDN with our help and use all advantages of such solution for the development of your business. You may order CDN on the official website www.spacecdn.com by using live chat or via email - write to [email protected] and our team of professional specialists will eagerly help you.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
09-03-2015, 11:36 AM
The advantages of dedicated server

If we compare dedicated server (https://inxyhost.com/) to VPS or shared hosting, we should say that it has the following advantages:
1. Project speed - you will instantly understand that your project became much faster and this will help to attract more visitors.
2. Flexibility. Dedicated server will allow to install any compatible application you may need and set them up according to the needs of your project.
3. Scalability. Dedicated server will easily deal with increased traffic amount and will stay a reliable platform.
4. Increased security level. You will be using the dedicated server for your projects only and that’s why security settings will be more flexible for you.
Dedicated server is vital for a successful business-project. It will provide with needed stability, reliability and the level of productivity.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
09-07-2015, 01:11 PM
InxyHost project offers dedicated servers for reasonable prices. We are ready to help you with the configuration you need and our solution will be quality and reliable. Our data-centers are located in Netherlands and in the USA. We strive to give the clients all the best - our servers are full-managed (you will never have to deal with technical issues if you don’t want to), individual choice of configuration, free of charge support on every stage of your order and project transmission.
We long to satisfy all our clients needs. To get help and to order dedicated server please write us to our email [email protected] or via live chat on the official website www.inxyhost.com.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
09-11-2015, 12:31 PM
Info on CDN technology

Different companies offer CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) nodes in different locations. The CDN use allows to narrow the costs on traffic, to make the content availability better in different points of the world. The number of nodes among every provider is different as well as the number of servers.
The queries for content usually are coming o nodes via the optimal route. During the optimization process the nodes that are able to bring content to the end user with maximum performance are chosen. Nevertheless the optimization can be also according to the cost - sometimes the nodes with cheaper traffic are chosen and they may not be optimal in terms of routes.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
09-14-2015, 10:52 AM
Speed is vital for everybody these days. It is necessary to achieve the best results in every type of business. Nevertheless, you won’t get it without specialized instruments, such as CDN. This content distribution network will allow the users all over the world to get your content much faster. For you CDN means happy clients, saving on traffic, the decrease of load on your server. We work with the best providers - UCDN, Highwinds and EdgeCast and will help you connect to them easily.
You may reach us via email [email protected] , via live chat on the website www.spacecdn.com or via skype inxy.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
09-25-2015, 10:48 AM
About managed dedicated server

Managed dedicated server can be understood as the bundle of hardware, software and efforts to keep it all up and running. There may also be other services that provide much deeper levels of administration.
Usually such management is performed by professional admins. It includes:

• operating system updates
• sowtware updates
• performing of backups
• technical support, phone support included
• monitoring of the server state
• firewall configuration
• management of databases and different applications

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
09-28-2015, 01:19 PM
InxyHost is ready to offer you the best dedicated servers. The more complex your task is, the more resources you need, and if you wish your audience to be satisfied with performance, it is the best option to choose dedicated server as your hosting platform.

Have no experience? No worries, our experts will help you to get the right configuration for your needs and according to your budget. We are working with Dell dedicated servers, that are known to perform their task well. All our servers are full-managed, that means that you can think about your business and not about technical issues or hardships.
To find out more or order dedicated server, please head to www.inxyhost.com and write to us via live chat or skype inxy.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
10-02-2015, 11:55 AM
CDN will help to enhance loading speed of your website

If you need to make the work of your website faster and all the standard optimization methods fail to work, it is time to pay attention to the content distribution networks - CDN.


Such networks are used for storing static files of your website in such way, that when users come to your website, they are taken from CDN (http://www.spacecdn.com/) servers and not from the main server, reducing latency significantly. It may help, for example, enhance loading time of such files, as CSS and JavaScript and therefore the website itself will be loaded much quicker. Such networks usually use great caching technologies, that gives the users all over the world the ability to get your content much quicker.

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email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
10-05-2015, 12:52 PM
SpaceCDN offers connection to the leading CDN providers, such as UCDN, Highwinds and Edgecast. You can benefit right now - give your resource the opportunity to use the power of literally thousands of servers. It will help to stand even the highest loads and to distribute content simultaneously to thousands of clients that are located in different parst of the world.


Also CDN will be great for enhancing the speed of complex web-applications. It is easy to begin working with CDN - just write to our Skype inxy.com or to live chat on our official website www.spacecdn.com , get the free consultation from our CDN specialists and proceed to the setup.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
10-09-2015, 04:11 PM
What is hosting?

Hosting is the type of Internet service that allows to host websites, content or applications on the Internet. Hosting companies usually provide space on servers located in data centers or the whole servers to the disposal of their clients. They also provide their clients with the connection to the Internet.
Hosting may cost differently. It is determined first of all by the needed amount of resources. For example, the website, consisting of one page, requires minimum of resources, and that is why such hosting may be cheap or even free of charge. Complex business sites, on the contrary, require support of databases and different development platforms, allowing to install ready scripts or to write own scripts for forums and CMS.

Hosting companies may also provide interface or control panel that allows to manage the server, to install scripts and other modules.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
10-13-2015, 10:32 AM
InxyHost offers great dedicated servers in Netherlands and the USA for great prices. Here are our benefits:
• we have configuration for any need
• our technical support is always ready and willing to help
• we use pay-as-you-go system
• our servers are located in reliable data-centers
• all our servers are managed
If you need quality and reliability, you’ve come to the right place. Our technical specialists will give you the needed variant for a good price. Please contact us via Skype inxy.com or via chat on the official websited inxyhost.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
10-16-2015, 11:44 AM
The work of KVM

KVM is an independent device that gives the remote access to dedicated server through the IP protocol. Due to KVM one may perform, for example, such operation as BIOS configuration. KVM does not rely on the policies of the operating systems and it means that it works totally independently. The Virtual Media technology is used here widely, and with its help the data is transmitted via the IP protocol. It allows to install different programs remotely, even the full operating system.
KVM allows to work with different types of signals and with transmitted contents, controlling incoming and outgoing data.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
10-19-2015, 12:57 PM
Do you want to deliver your content fast in different points of the world? SpaceCDN will help you to achieve that. We will connect you to the world best providers, solving the most important tasks that arises for any modern web-project - quick loading time. It can be achieved due to the fact that your content will be given away from the closest server to the user.
Our CDN solutions are the best in terms of quality, speed, reliability and security.
The quality technical team will help you choose correct provider for your needs and will quickly connect you to CDN. Write to us on the official website www.spacecdn.com or to Skype inxy.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
11-05-2015, 11:09 AM
Choosing correct hosting

Hosting (www.inxyhost.com) is known to be the one of the most popular services on the net and you have to choose it thoroughly. Its quality may be different, but there are several advices that will let you prevent most common errors.
The choice of hosting is an important task and you have to treat it with maximum responsibility.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1KZ26E5

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
11-10-2015, 02:31 PM
100$ welcome deposit bonus at SpaceCDN

Dear forum users!

SpaceCDN announces the unique promo! Find promo-code on our social media pages and get $100 deposit bonus.


Hurry up and grab your bonus!

Adam Greer
11-13-2015, 12:41 PM
Getting access to dedicated server

After you order a dedicated server (https://inxyhost.com/), you will have to gain access to it. If the server is full-managed, you will surely have FTP acess to user space. If you manage the server by yourself, then for example, you will be able to access it via one of the popular control panels or via SSH.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1SNtXxu


Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

Adam Greer
11-16-2015, 01:00 PM
SpaceCDN offers to connect your project to the top world CDN providers, such as UCDN, HighWinds and EdgeCast. Our solutions will increase the performance of your project and will allow to attract more users.
Qualified managers will do their best to help you choose the correct solution for your project and will provide full assistance during the set up and tune up. Contact us in Skype inxy.com or live chat on the official website www.spacecdn.com .

Adam Greer
11-19-2015, 01:42 PM
Choosing the gaming hosting

Gaming industry is rising and more people think of owning their own virtual world. Theat is why a reliable hosting (https://inxyhost.com/) is needed. In order to gain the best results, you should consider all of those points thoroughly and choose the correct variant for your needs.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1QvWucm

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

Adam Greer
11-26-2015, 12:57 PM
Content compression in CDN

Compression is used to optimize the website - it allows to improve the website loading times as well as page renderiing. CDN (https://spacecdn.com/) can give away already compressed files if the orogin supports it. If not, you may tune up CDN to compress files on its side. usually to achieve this one specifies the file extensions that need to be compressed.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1Q0ILJe


Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

Adam Greer
11-30-2015, 11:39 AM
InxyHost project offers dedicated servers for storage of big amounts of data and the high-loaded projects. You will be able to choose from ready configuration from the list you see on our website as well as order the individual configuration according to your needs. Our dedicated servers are reliable, productive and of high quality. We will do our best to choose the variant for any budget.
It is very easy to order a server, just write to our managrs in live chat on the official website www.inxyhost.com or in Skype Inxy.com.

Adam Greer
12-04-2015, 03:57 AM
CDN bandwidth throttling

In case you need to limit the speed of file transfer through CDN (https://www.spacecdn.com/), you may use the following parameters that should be passed to URL.

Initial Burst parameter (ri) - allows to specify the amount of data in bytes that are passed at maximum speed before rs parameter begins to work

Sustained rate parameter - allows to specify the speed in kilobits with which the data is passed


Read more: http://bit.ly/1IFXX8l

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

Adam Greer
12-07-2015, 11:30 AM
Deliver your content quicker all over the world! SpaceCDN allows to connect your project to the best CDN providers of the world, such as EdgeCast, HighWinds, UCDN and CDNnow - for the best conditions possible. Nowadays the CDN technology allows to have access to your mediafiles virtually from everywhere at the highest speeds. Get the advatage right now - increase the loading speed of your resource in the region where you need it. You cannot do this via regular Internet means, but with our help you will overcome your competitors instantly, if they have no such benefit.
What you get after connection to CDN with us:
• scalability and quick content transmission
• huge network spread all over the world with many nodes in different locations (we will help you with the choice of provider);
• great prices - we have good discounts for traffic.
It is easy to connect to CDN - just contact our managers via live chat at www.spacecdn.com or via Skype Inxy.com

Adam Greer
12-10-2015, 12:59 PM
What is MAC-address and how to find it out?

MAC-address is a constant hardware identifier that cannot be changed. It is also known as the physical address of the device. It has the format of XX:XX:XX:YY:YY:YY, having therefore the length of 6 bytes. The first three bytes are the identifier of manufacturer, and the last 3 bytes are the identifier of the exact model.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1NOLwZh
Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

Adam Greer
12-14-2015, 01:44 PM
InxyHost project offers the best variants of dedicated servers for the best prices in Tier-1 data centers EvoSwitch (Netherlands, Amsterdam) and TierPoint (the USA, Dallas). We clearly know what you need for your project to develop constantly and to be highly available. We are ready to offer the reliable hosting platform that will be of needed productivity for you. All our solutions are secure and reliable. We have individual approach to all our clients and are ready to advise you on the best configuration possible for the best price.
Just talk to our managers, have a free consultation and order dedicated server right now. It is very easy - write to us in Skype Inxy.com or in chat on the official website - https://inxyhost.com .

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: inxy.com

Adam Greer
01-11-2016, 12:13 PM
New Year holiday is the time of presents. INXY.COM (https://www.inxy.com/) team prepared a gift for you, too. If you need a modern and powerful dedicated server with good channel, there is a great opportunity to make a good buy.


You may buy a Dell R220 Server from 11th to 31th of January for 149,99 USD only with 100 mbps of traffic included (1 gbps connection). The server is located in EvoSwitch datacenter in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and has the following configuration:

Dell R220/1x E3-1231v3/32 GB/2x300 GB SAS 15k 3.5"/ chassis 2x3.5" / H310 - 149,99 USD

In addition, you get 8 IPs as a gift and free usage till the end of January. We also offer full management free of charge.

Still feel that you may get a better offer? Here is a promo code for you!

INXY-SU5YWToxOjU2MQ - tell it to our managers and get 100 USD on account for using our services.

Feel free to contact us in live chat at https://www.inxy.com/ or Skype inxy.com