View Full Version : Dedicated servers and CDN from SpaceCDN & InxyHost

Adam Greer
04-13-2015, 05:32 AM
SpaceCDN presents: Now we provide LeaseWeb Hong Kong data center

Our partner - LeaseWeb, open Asia Pacific’s Hong Kong data center, so now our customers will have access to a comprehensive portfolio of infrastructure solutions that includes bare metal servers, cloud services and the ability to mix and match hybrid environments for enterprises’ most demanding applications and workloads.

“The opening of the Hong Kong data center is in response to strong demand from customers across the Asia-Pacific region,” said Bas Winkel, Managing Director, LeaseWeb Asia Pacific. “This new location strengthens our offering, providing seamless infrastructure solutions on a global basis, giving our customers a solid platform for growth in Asia. Ultimately, it’s about providing more choice in the marketplace, which is good news for customers, especially those who want a global partner that is responsive to their needs.”

Adam Greer
04-15-2015, 10:29 AM
Our company offers you the chance to get a dedicated server on very good financial conditions. Using our services you will be able to have any configuration of hard drives and memory you like. We will also offer you several CDN-providers according to your own choice, and each server goes with CDN package from 10 to 100 Mbps (2-20TB).

Our dedicated servers are located in data centers in Netherlands and the USA. The Dell lineup in Netherlands consists of different variants with such processors as Quad Core, Xeon and Dual Xeon, from 2 to 48 gigabytes of RAM, RAIDs and hard drives with storage from 300 gigabytes. In the USA you will find dedicated servers with four and six-core processors, from 2 to 64 gigabytes of RAM and hard drives with the minimum capacity of 300 gigabytes.
We would also like to note that we use the services of such network providers as Level 3, GlobalCrossing, Telia, Deutsche Telecom, Tata Communications, IPTransit.

You can get a detailed information on available configurations on our website, where you will also get info on the prices for our services.

If you choose us, you will get reliable server, configure up to your needs, that will be able to help you achieve your aims. We are glad to offer the optimal combination of quality and price in both our data-centers.

Adam Greer
04-16-2015, 08:31 AM
Data-centers for owners: risks and costs

The cost of data-center owning and operating is becoming more and more complex. There appear more and more elements that have to be included in such calculation and it becomes more hard. Here’s what has to be taken into account by owners and operators of data-centers:

- The facilities of infrastructure
- Energetic efficiency
- Used hardware
- Cloud technologies (private or public)
- Collocation
- Ability to quickly recover data after disasters
- Migration
- Software
- Scalability and modularity
- Containers
- Costs for network maintenance and work
- Personnel
- Different laws

The main risk and the main concern is the security of data. It is really so, because the customers data is constantly endangered. It is necessary to understand that any third-party service use (collocation or use of cloud technologies) makes the risk of data security higher. The data may be lost and the business therefore damaged. It is necessary to understand that even in case the data is stored in cloud, the providers of the cloud technologies are seldom liable in case of theft, loss or damage of the data.

All of these facts lead to the changes in the industry. There are also other risks that are not connected exactly with user data. They may appear when the provider goes out of business or bankrupt. Then it is necessary to move the data and such movement usually is connected with additional costs in terms of money and time. Sometimes several years may be needed to transfer data.

Thus the model of the data-center ownership is highly connected with risks and many other factors.

Adam Greer
04-17-2015, 06:50 AM
CDN: definition, advantages and aims

CDN is the organization of content delivery with the main content present on the original web-server and with numerous POPs where this content is cached.

The main aims of any CDN are known to be the increase of speed, scalability, reliability and availability at any given point of time. Such networks are usually used to make the access to content much easier with minimal costs.

CDN is the system of severs that are strategically positioned across the globe. The client while trying to access needed data is automatically routed to the closest POP.

CDN can boast high performance. The content is cached on the severs across the globe and the decrease of the physical distance to client allows not only to make latency lower but also to lose less packets of data.

Scalability is also known as the advantage of CDN. The off-loading of traffic to CDN allows to adjust its volume easily, to increase or decrease it when needed in a very short time.

Reliability is very important too. The requests are usually sent to the closest location. If the server is unavailable, the next one is chosen.

CDN is also very good in terms of the fact that it does not require too much money to be managed and the reduction of costs can be made rather easily.
Nowadays most of clients need SEO-optimization and that’s why the page load time is very important – it is another factor that is considered when the page rank is calculated. Most search engines have page load time in their formulas.

Push zone or Pull zone?

Every user has a choice to use Push zone or Pull zone. But what is the difference? The push zone allows to load the content directly to CDN, as if you were using a generic hosting account. After it there goes synchronization in all POPs. It is necessary to underline that Push zones are usually ideal for big files.

Pull zone allows to cache static content from the primary server and to deliver it from POPs.

Every CDN can have additional functions. Let us give a more detailed view:

SPDY – the open network protocol. SPDY works with HTTP traffic and the main aim is the reduction of the time load of pages and enhancing the network security.

Secure Token – the special mean of authentification that ensure that URL is available for limited predefined time only.

Hotlink Protection – allows to ensure that files are loaded from predefined websites only.

Adam Greer
04-17-2015, 01:33 PM
Dedicated servers versus cloud hosting

More and more enterprises begin to use cloud services, and that’s why it may be very important to compare this method of storage and sharing of data with dedicated servers. Really, what advantages do dedicated servers have?

This question is first of all rising because of demands of business, but if you try to compare the dedicated server to other hosting decisions – for example, shared hosting, you can see that the price for the dedicated server is much higher. However, due to great reliability, power and speed the dedicated server may become a more welcome solution for some clients. In many cases it is the only solution when the business grows. It could have begun from virtual hosting, but at some point, applications and websites could have required much more space and power.

That’s why the first moment that should be taken into consideration when choosing between dedicated server and cloud service are the requirements to the server itself. Of course you can get scalability, flexibility and reliability from cloud service too, but even nowadays many companies prefer dedicated servers because they can be configured more precisely, can be isolated. Also dedicated servers are more reliable when we speak about the storage of some critical data.

Because of such flexibility the precise tuning is required – this is needed to get the desired result. It concerns everything – from infrastructure to software and hardware configurations. When choosing the dedicated server you should think about the following:

- The hardware: how much RAM, CPU and disk space is needed to meet all the client requirements. Also here one should think about needed applications and traffic and many more things:
- The security of server: many companies prefer to fine-tune and maintain dedicated server by themselves. It should be necessary to ensure that the company will be able to regularly update server with the latest patches and security updates for software to work smooth with operating system and BIOS.
- The redundancy of network: to get maximum reliability and flexibility it is necessary for the network to be enough for covering all needs, especially in times of some problems or errors
- Data-center: is a very important thing to learn, but not too much spoken about. Here we speak about the physical location where server is installed. It is necessary to make sure that it is optimized to maintain the server, has needed cooling, ventilation, security and all needed instruments for monitoring.

Adam Greer
04-23-2015, 11:36 AM
In case you use dedicated server based on Linux operating system, at some point you might need to reboot it. It can be done in several ways. Usually when you order some dedicated server during its setup you get its specifications as well as your login data. That login data may be used to connect to server that is located in the data-center and to reboot it remotely using the control panel. This is the best and the most secure way to perform this task. It guarantees that the server will be thoroughly rebooted and will load without any problems. In case with Dell servers, with which we highly work, iDRAC is generally used. It is the instrument that allows to fulfill virtually any task connected with setup and maintenance of your dedicated server. By using it you will be able to reboot your server. To connect to iDRAC you have to use ip-address that will lead you to the login screen where you have to use your login information. After login you will be able to maintain your server remotely and particularly to reboot it.


Another way to achieve the same result is to issue the commands via SSH. To do it, you can use any shell client, such as, for example PuTTY. You will need to enter your login data and to use your root password that was given to you during the server setup. Pay attention to the fact that if you changed it while using your dedicated server, it may be different from the password you got during the setup. When you connect to the server using root password you may reboot it just by issuing the “reboot” command. This command, though, should be used with great care. If the server is overloaded or some critical services don’t work correctly the reboot may cause freeze or inability of the server to start correctly. In this case the first method will work and will help to solve the problem. Also if for some reasons you are unable to reboot the server, you will always be able to send request to technical support of the company that provided the dedicated server for you.

Adam Greer
04-24-2015, 08:09 AM
Why use CDN?

CDN works in such way to provide additional points from which users may download resources, usually static such as images or JavaScript objects. Such points may be geographically positioned all over the world and may be closer to users. This reduces the load times.

CDN is good for virtually any project and will help to increase speed but not all projects need such service. It is necessary to understand how CDN works and whether the additional costs are worthwhile.

In general CDN is a system of servers geographically spread all over the world. Every such server caches images, JS/CSS files and other structural components. Most of response time usually goes to downloading such content and that’s why caching it is always good in as many POPs as possible.
When the user addresses your website, the statical content is provided with POP that is closer to him, that reduces latency and makes the site load more quickly.


Thus the main reason for CDN use in speed increase – this interests any user. Let us see the example. Imagine the website that is hosted in a certain region and the users that want to access that site, but are located in a far away region. In case the website is located in the Northern America, and the users in Europe, the response speed for them will not be that high in comparison to the users from North America.

Global CDN service will help users from Europe to load static content from closer POPs. This will reduce load times. It is necessary to say that not only CDN helps to increase speed, it also helps to prevent the crash in case of high traffic loads. CDN allows to distribute this load across multiple servers.

Adam Greer
04-25-2015, 07:30 PM
CDN or dedicated server?

CDN and dedicated servers are known to be the most popular decisions for high-loaded projects. Here we will try to compare these solutions, to discuss their differences, advantages and disadvantages as well as to shed some light on how to make the correct choice.


So, let us start. CDN is a big system of servers deployed in numerous data-centers all over the world. Differently from the model when all the data is located on one server or in one point, CDN preserves your website and numerous web-objects on different servers in different places. Such data and files as text, images, video, different documents, web-addresses, scripts, streaming media and applications may be shared among the network of serviers in data-centers. The main aim of CDN is to make content highly available to user at reasonable speed. If we speak about dedicated server, you usually either buy it or rent it for use and you don’t have to share it with anybody.

Of course you may choose dedicated server over CDN. Dedicated server and hosting gives you total control over the server, but at the same time you have to be ready for higher level of administration. You will have to administer it by yourself, to compensate downtimes, to think in advance of possible errors and recovery methods. For those who don’t have enough time to write code and to administer the server at the same time or for those who have to experience in managing the dedicated server it is advised to think of the CDN hosting. In case you have the team to manage your dedicated servers and you have money to buy more servers than you need (for backups etc.), dedicated server can be named a good option for you.

It may, however, become cheaper but if your traffic will constantly grow or some critical error will occur, it will turn out to be much more expensive.

CDN has many functions – they help to save time and money for businesses and to provide the needed platform for administrators and developers. CDN-hosting allows to ease the pressure on your server and even in some cases to fully or partially downgrade it to something cheaper.

Adam Greer
05-01-2015, 05:46 AM
It is a very interesting question. Let us understand from the very beginning that the speed of website is a very important thing, and not only for SEO or ranking, but for people who want to attend your resource. Generally, 40% of users will exit the website that fails to load in 3 seconds. Slow loading website means that many irritated users will not want to come back to it anymore and this may be destructive. Over long distance it will mean a lot.


Is there a change when you switch from shared hosting to dedicated server? Positive. There is a big difference and you will never want to come back. Let us see it this way – if you choose shared hosting, you pay for the space on the server where there are many other websites that use the same processor, bandwidth, hard drive and so on. The owner of the machine makes everything to keep that projects up and running but there are constant limitations.

Thus we may conclude that if the load of site influences the willing of users to come to the website, the project that is landed on the dedicated server will have advantage over the project landed on shared hosting.

Adam Greer
05-05-2015, 08:43 AM
InxyHost is glad to offer dedicated servers in EvoSwitch data center that is based in Netherlands.

EvoSwitch is a reliable partner that offers advances IT-solutions for those organizations and individuals that need stability and reliability. This data-center is located in the area of Amsterdam and it is really close to the biggest internet hubs of the world. It is also a great bridge between Europe and Nothern America.

The work of data-centers will allow to minimize the financial investments required from the clients. Data-center offers more than 20000 square meters of space and has a lot of advantages over others:

- Great connectivity due to the collaboration with many different providers
- Enhanced security with real guards working on 24/7 basis and all modern means of security
- This data-center is focused on providing the basis for the continuous work of hardware
- It boasts great and advanced infrastructure, it is open for innovations such as, for example, the new methods of cooling
- Due to great energetic efficiency the costs for clients may be reduced greatly
- All clients of InxyHost are guaranteed to get the quality service and support from experienced data-center specialists.

Adam Greer
05-07-2015, 04:29 PM
CDN – the system for fast content delivery

CDN is the system that allows to quickly distribute the files from geographically spread sources that may exist in different locations. CDN widely uses caching and the use of advanced technologies of search and indexing, as well as synchronization between different POPs. By reducing latency and giving the opportunity to spread the localized cache quickly, the time of content delivery may be reduced greatly. So when should one use CDN?


If you are streaming something or have a big amount of international traffic as well as the need to control the level of caching, you should pay attention to CDN – such distribution network may become a good solution for your content distribution and for its delivery to end user. You should understand that first of all CDN will be of great value for your business – all resources on your company’s website will be available to your clients with minimal latency and your business will look strong for your potential customers.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
05-08-2015, 10:42 AM
5 signs that you have to update hardware

Computers and mobile devices, as well as other devices have to be upgraded regularly. This includes servers as well – it seems that faster processors are produced every day. Some business users thus may think that there is a time for upgrade. But is it so? Here are the 5 reasons that may show the time has come for this:

1. It hard to find components for replacement
Computers, servers and even small mobile devices consist of small parts that depend on each other. If some of those parts go wild there are the chances that it may ruin the whole system. If the system is new the parts can be found rather easily, but if you have problems with finding needed parts, you should think about the upgrade. First of all because the cost of such rare part will be higher and it will lead to additional costs

2. The cost of repairs exceeds the cost of upgrade
Some hardware components may be repaired only by the quality experts. This means that the repair works may cost quite a lot. But before you choose to upgrade just learn the cost of repairs. If it is easier to upgrade, it is the preferred variant.


3. You use outdated systems
Outdated systems are the systems that are recognized as such by technical experts. For example, it may be machines working under Windows XP or produced before Windows 7 was released. They may work quite good for now, but sooner or later they will crash. When it happens be prepared to pay huge sums of money in comparison to what you will have to pay if you use new technologies. You will also not get needed level of support.

4. Your hardware harms productivity
If your outdated hardware harms your productivity and the quality of your job, it will be cheaper to make an upgrade.

5. Your system doesn’t meet minimal requirements
In case you need to install new software, check minimal requirements for your work. If your system doesn’t meet them, you have to upgrade.

Adam Greer
05-11-2015, 01:22 PM
InxyHost offers its clients the great opportunity to get dedicated servers from one of the best data-centers in the USA. We are working with TierPoint data center in Dallas, Texas. This data-center operates for rather long time - since the year of 2000. Nowadays it is a reliable facility that welcomes a lot of different businesses and is ready to cope with the most critical data.

Let us review the main highlights of the data-center we offer:

This data center is 68000 square feet that gives plenty of room to store and operate high-loaded servers. The floors in this data center are raised for 30 inches - this means heat reduction and comes in handy for the intensive jobs. The building in which dedicated servers are located is single-story and there are no other tenants - it wholly belongs to TierPoint.


The site boasts great security that works 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. To get access to this facility one has to provide biometric data as well as physically show ID. There are also 100 internal and external cameras that can hold up to 90 days of video storage.

The data-center offers great connectivity because of the work with different providers. Work with us and we will give you the best service we can. Feel free to check our official website.

Adam Greer
05-14-2015, 11:51 AM
Using CDN for quicker website loading

When we speak about the speed of page loading it is necessary to say that the distance from server to user influences it a lot. If you choose to share your content among several servers that are geographically spread, it will make your website loading time quicker from the user point of view. So, what to begin with?

First of all, when trying to build a system of geographically spread content, don’t try to change the architecture of your applications to work with certain architecture. Depending on application the change in architecture may lead to complex changes, such as the synchronization of the sessions’ state or replication of transactions of the databases between the geographically spread server. If you do this you may ruin all your attempts of reducing the distance between servers and users.

You have to remember that 80 and 90 per cent of time that the pages take to fully load goes to loading of its components – pictures, CSS, scripts, flash content and so on. It is the golden rule of performance. So don’t change the architecture of your application – use your time to share the static content. It will allow to make page loading time quicker and it can be achieved with the use of CDN.


So, we may refer to CDN as to the network of numerous web-servers that are geographically spread in order to achieve the maximal possible speed of content delivery. The server that is automatically chosen to deliver content to the certain user, is chosen according to several attributes. For example, usually the server with the least number of hops is chosen or the server with the smallest response time.

Some big internet-companies own their own CDNs, but it is much cheaper to use the existing solutions, such as, for example, SpaceCDN. For startups and personal websites the costs may be too big, but when your audience will begin to grow it may also become more distant geographically. CDN is necessary to achieve faster response times – you can get 20% performance increase and even more. CDN requires minimal changes in code but will bring great productivity to your web-applications.

Adam Greer
05-15-2015, 11:33 AM
How reliable is a good data-center

First of all, when we speak about data-center and its reliability, you should think about who has access to it and how this access is granted. Intrusion is one of the simplest ways to harm data in data-center. Good data-center is monitored and supervised 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. There should be different scanning and checking systems that will help to ensure that only authorized people can have access to data-center. Technically it may be done by using the electronic ID passes that will be configured individually for every person for whom access is granted. For separate parts of data-center where the most sensitive information is stored, there should be enhanced security – for access here there is a need to have biometric data scanned.

The access to data itself should be under total control – good data-center is able to successfully deal with the attacks of different hackers. Usually data-center is equipped with good systems that are able to detect intrusions, suspicious activities and so on. Firewalls created by different organizations are usually used to protect already stored data, and incoming traffic is monitored thoroughly.

All data and backups are transmitted to and from client either with encryption or with use of high-security cables.
Power supply is very important. Usually data-center, if the main power supply fails, activates special batteries that may help with power supply for 15 minutes. This time is usually enough to start diesel generators that will be able to provide data-center with energy for much longer time.


Many people want to know what will happen to data if the hardware in data-center fails? The data is still fully secure. The fact is that all virtual and dedicated servers, databases, storage devices are united into network. If one particular component fails, the transaction may be done with the use of another component and system stability therefore remains intact. If the hardware fails due to the fire, the data may always be restored from previously made backups.

So how data-center takes fire precaution measures? First of all it is always a good idea to divide the building into several sections that have their own protection from fire. All data-center rooms have a lot of fire detectors and different monitors that check for special gas and the state of the room and are usually able to tell the managers about the problems in advance. In case the fire still happens, the room is automatically filled with special gas that deals with fire. No water should be used because of the sensitive electronics. Water is used as the last resort measure.

Data-center building should be built solid and properly – it should be reliable, with thick walls. The building should deal with storms well.
Privacy of data is very important, as well as backups. Backups are usually done by using disk-to-disk method – this gives the opportunity to quickly make and quickly restore data. Full backups should be made daily and intermediate – several times a day. Later they are archived for security purposes.

Adam Greer
05-18-2015, 01:16 PM
InxyHost – the partner of your business you’ve been waiting for. We will give you a lot of benefits – and among them the total and full control over your server. We offer very convenient tools to manage the servers remotely by using iDRAC controllers that are useful and very stable, as well as secure. We provide any working environment you need, install any software you need and give you high-quality full-time support. The uptime of our servers goes up to 100% - we ensure that your server always stays connected and power supplied. In case of hardware failure we guarantee the replacement of failed part in 4 hours only.


Ordering our services you get more than just high-level service – you get needed stability. You will be sure that your project is up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and for the whole year.

We are looking forward to working with you and invite you to check what we have to offer you on our official website. In case there are any questions left feel free to contact us any time and our managers will help you with any related questions.

Adam Greer
05-19-2015, 06:17 AM
SpaceCDN is ready to offer you unique prices and great service in connection with one of the most popular providers – HighWinds. It can boast 30 POPs all over the world, that’s why wherever your client is, he will get extremely fast response and download time. Order just 10 Mbps and you will pay 3 USD for 1 Mbps for month. There will also be a total price of 30 USD for the whole package.

Get 17% discount now by ordering 50 Mbps of traffic. The package will cost you 125 USD and 1 Mbps will result in just 2.5 USD.

100 Mbps of traffic will get you a 34% discount that means 2 USD per 1 Mbps and total sum of money – 200 USD. You can get even more – order 250 Mbps and you will be eligible for a greater discount of 44% with the total price of 425 USD and price for 1 Mbps per month of 1.7 USD.


If you plan to order more traffic – 500 Mbps, you will get a discount of 54 per cent. The price of 1 mbps per month will be just 1.4 USD and it will result in 700 USD of total price.

Also if you plan to order 1000 mbps of traffic and more, just contact us – we will give you the best price we can.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
05-21-2015, 02:28 PM
The advantages of dedicated server for business

The use of dedicated server for landing your own projects and websites may seem rather expensive, but in the end the result is worthwhile. The shared hosting, it doesn’t matter how well organized and managed, cannot be 100 per cent reliable. However, if you use dedicated server it gives opportunities to avoid many problems that users of shared hosting experience – here we can name overload, bad code and scripts from other users, especially beginners, big amount of loaded applications that are not useful for your project but are used by others. On the contrary, using the dedicated server you will be able to install software that you need.

Dedicated server reduces dependence on hosting and reduces page load times. While using dedicated servers you will be able to give your clients full-time support when it is needed, and it is natural that you won’t be able to do the same while using the shared hosting. Everybody understands that good support is vital for growth of your business and creation of the image of stability and reliability. Rumors have great influence.


For people who work with clients, such as web-designers or graphic designers, the dedicated server is vital for their job. It will allow studio to get more income in the end. If you have constant access to your server that may be tuned according to your needs and updated as soon as possible, it will allow to gather more income and not to share it with anybody else.

The advantages of dedicated server are fully visible if we refer to statistics of how many clients are lost because your website is down or how many clients closed your page just because it took too much time to load it. Some of these people could give good income to you in future and you may be sure that the losses are comparable to the cost of the dedicated server.

For any business the website that has fast load times and is working properly is the indicator of the reliability and stability of your service – you will be able to sell more products. Also you will benefit from creation of good image of your company and from the increase of the base of your clients – the glad users will recommend you to others. Think of it as of greater benefits from less promotions.

If your projects are important to you, think about using dedicated servers.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
05-22-2015, 12:56 PM
Using old server to create backups

More and more information is stored in the digital form and that’s why there emerges a question how to provide the biggest amount of security to it. Every existing method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, floppies are useless now, ZIP-disks are too expensive, given their capacity – CD or DVD copies are good if you remember to do them regularly. If you store your information on a single hard drive, it is natural that one time it will fail and you will lose your data.

So what is left? You may copy the information on another hard drive – external or on another computer. So let us see how you can use your old computer as a server for your backups.

Many users upgrade their computers every 2-5 years and that’s why somewhere you may find some old and not used machine. It may be used for this purpose.

Every more or less modern machine that was built somewhere around 2000 will be quick enough for the purpose. If the machine is built before the year of 2000, it will hardly suit your needs.

Before you make any software manipulations just try to switch the computer on and check if it loads. If it fails to load – check if CPU or RAM card is inserter properly, check the power supply and see if your computer is in working state.
Check how much you have to invest in it, search for needed components in shops. You will most likely need hard drive, network card and RAM.
Nowadays each PC may handle at least two hard drives. You can put the OS on existing hard drive and store and make copies on newly bought drive. Hard drives are affordable now and their volume is enough for any backup storage. They are big enough to make the full image of the system just in case.

For even greater security and to preserve data think about using RAID. In such configuration the data is divided between two and more hard drives. You should probably use RAID 1 where the same data is copied on each of two or more drives. Software or dedicated controller card may be used. Such solution will cost you from 200 to 500 USD that will be paid for controller and the pair of hard drives. Yes, RAID costs more than standard hard drive, but such solution is more secure because if you don’t make backups everywhere it allows to make sure that data is preserved at least on one hard drive.
Next, you will need the network card. It is your choice to use cable or Wi-Fi. Also as an option you may buy the USB adapter to transfer data directly.
In order for you computers to see the new server you have to create network – it is done rather simply and usually the standard means of Microsoft Windows allow to do it easily. You will have to share the folders that are needed to backup.

If you are not ready to pay the money for the Windows license, choose Linux – this system may be used free. It is reliable, just make sure that it supports all your hardware – especially wi-fi cards and different controllers. Linux also has some free of charge means of backup creation.

After everything is configured, you have to choose the data that will fill the backup in. If we speak about Windows, ‘My Documents’ folder is backed up usually, but you will highly likely want to create backups of other data, as well as system registry. It is possible to make partial backups – only the files and folders that changed since the last backup, but once a week it is better to make a full uncompressed copy that can be read by any computer. And don’t forget about antivirus software.

For full security try to make additional backups. Use CDs and DVDs for periodical backups and make backups of changes on weekly or monthly basis. Create backups in the cloud for the most sensitive information (it may be free of charge or through the subscription).

Thus, the old computer may be used as a sever for backups. The only thing to consider here is what upgrade it needs and how much it will cost.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
05-27-2015, 09:55 AM
InxyHost (https://inxyhost.com/) offers good range of dedicated servers. If you need reasonably priced options - we are ready to offer single-CPU servers lacated at data-center EvoSwitch in Netherlands. Here's what we have to offer you:

- Dell 1950 - Dual Core CPU, 2 Gb of RAM, 2 hard drives with 73 gigabytes each - for 60 Euro;
- Dell R200 - Quad Core CPU, 4 Gb of RAM, 2 hard drives with 73 gigabytes each - for 70 Euro;
- Dell R200 - Quad Core CPU, 4 Gb of RAM, 2 hard drives with 300 gigabytes each - for 90 Euro;
- Dell R200 - Quad Core CPU, 8 Gb of RAM, 2 hard drives with 300 Gb each - for 99 Euro;
- Dell R210 II - Quad Core CPU, 16 GB of RAM, 2 hard drives with 300 Gb each - for 130 Euro;
- Dell R210 II - Quad Core CPU, 32 GB of RAM, 2 hard drives with 300 Gb each - for 140 Euro;
-Dell 2950 - Dual Core CPU, 16 GB of RAM, 6 hard drives with 73 Gb each - for 150 Euro;


We offer full remote access and control for our servers and are ready to modify any configuration to suit your needs.

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
skype: spacecdn.inxyhost

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-01-2015, 11:46 AM
SpaceCDN offers quality CDN service and great discounts if connecting to Edgecast provider.

• Order 10 mbps and you will get 1 mbps for 4 USD and the whole package for 40 USD.
• If you order 50 mbps you get the discount of 13%, 1 mbps for 3.5 USD and the full package for 175 USD.
• If your order is 100 mbps your discount will be 25% and 1 mbps of traffic will be 3 USD and the whole package will cost 300 USD.
• You will be able to get the discount of 38% by ordering 250 mbps of traffic - the full package will cost 625 USD, and 1 mbps - 2.5 USD.
• Even greater discount - 48%, will wait us if you order 500 mbps of traffic. The cost of 1 mbps will be 2.1 USD and 500 mbps will be 1050 USD.
• In case you plan to order 1000 mbps of traffic or more, contact our sales department using email [email protected] or live chat on our website. Also you will be able to contact us using the information on our official website - www.spacecdn.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!

Adam Greer
06-09-2015, 08:41 AM
InxyHost company is ready to offer you the following configurations of storage servers in EvoSwitch data-center in Netherlands:

- Dell PowerEdge R510 with two quad-core processors, 8Gb of RAM, 4 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 320 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R510 with two quad-core processors, 8Gb of RAM, 6 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 350 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R510 with two quad-core processors, 8Gb of RAM, 4 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 470 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R530 XD with two twelve-core processors, 32Gb of RAM, 6 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 510 Eur.
- Dell PowerEdge R530 XD with two twelve-core processors, 32Gb of RAM, 12 HDD with 3000 GB each. The cost is 590 Eur.


You may order the server or learn about other configurations via live chat on our official website, email [email protected] or by using other contact information that is available on our official website www.inxyhost.com.

InxyHost.com / SpaceCDN.com - it is our duty to make business enjoyable!