View Full Version : Wordpress WPML, how to fix english homepage without posts

04-12-2015, 02:50 PM
Wordpress WPML, how to fix english homepage without posts?

WPML is Wordpress translation plugin. I have Czech language site and English language as a secondary one.

On English language Homepage (Index) i had this error:

There has been an error.

We apologize for any inconvenience, please hit back on your browser or use the search form below.

The steps to fix:
Try to go into Wordpress Admin area / Posts section to check there are really English (or other language that do not show posts on homepage) articles with status "Published".
Then check these english post categories in Wordpress / Posts / Categories. Make sure these English named categories has in its settings assigned their related other language category. I my case, i had to select relevant Czech category name.

Wordpress WPML, how to fix 404 error when clicking some Category on the homepage?

Go to WPAdmin / Appearance / Menu

and make sure categories (menu items) has lowercase character in their URL (Link text)