View Full Version : ClanComs.com reviews?

04-01-2015, 09:01 AM

is there anyone who have experience with services provided by ClanComs.com, any review?

in my case i have an dedicated server from them. The server setup was in 9 hours and on the weekend. Tech support appears to be fast. But later things changed....

05-05-2015, 04:01 PM
My negative ClanComs.com review: (server terminated, data deleted without notice, had to pay $50 penalty on top)

I would like to warn anyone to have anything in common with this company.
I had dedicated server from them more than one month. Sales support was good.
Then i found my data transfer limit is like 500kb/s (everywhere no matter from where i downloaded data), while advertised server transfer is 1000Mbps
So i had to submit support ticket, and they removed this limit. I somehow think they set this limit intentionally waiting if i will submit ticket and demand what i paid for.

Next month a few days i paid invoice, my server had connection issues, their website and support system was down and ClanComs was banned on the forum.
So i was afraid and submitted PayPal dispute in order to A) solve issue or B) get partial refund for the days server would be offline.

ClanComs immediatelly escallated dispute into claim and terminated my dedicated server service and wiped server data without any questions or prior notice sent.
That was their answer on my question what happend with the server.

After a few days ClanComs won money in paypal claim as it was intangible/virtual goods order, so i updated my ClanComs ticket (their website was online again) and asked to get a dedicated server for more than 14 days (remaining days i paid for server). As a reply i was notiffied that i have due invoice ($50) for opening Paypal dispute. Well i paid as it is per their TOS (yes, for "dispute").

Please think twice before getting in touch with these people. Thank you

05-07-2015, 05:09 PM
The thing is you are given the opportunity to read our TOS in full before proceeding to pay invoice and by paying invoice that means you fully agree to our TOS.

we sent out a maintenance notice, then while we where performing our maintenance and services where off line you opened a papal dispute "once again refer to our TOS" on the matter

it states "A credit card chargeback or PayPal Disputes or Claim can result in immediate account termination."

We followed our TOS to the letter and now you are here trying to hurt our good name.

And your server was online with 100% uptime for the 10 days since you ordered it until our network maintenance

We told you we would set a server up for you but received a ticket responce asking us to not set it up yet.

as far as you not getting a server back from us, first was this that you posted in the support ticket

Please do not setup any service, I will update this ticket to let you know when i need you to setup it.
I will be off next days so it would be useless to have it running.

Thank you,

We did not cancel your account until we we're made aware of the slanderus post's you where making about our company.

So i must wonder why, if our services we're so terrible, why would you want to come back to our hosting?

05-07-2015, 06:53 PM
The thing is you are given the opportunity to read our TOS in full before proceeding to pay invoice and by paying invoice that means you fully agree to our TOS.

we sent out a maintenance notice, then while we where performing our maintenance and services where off line you opened a papal dispute "once again refer to our TOS" on the matter

it states "A credit card chargeback or PayPal Disputes or Claim can result in immediate account termination."

We followed our TOS to the letter and now you are here trying to hurt our good name.

And your server was online with 100% uptime for the 10 days since you ordered it until our network maintenance

not really a good name, you are a theif.

as the person states "As a reply i was notiffied that i have due invoice ($50) for opening Paypal dispute. Well i paid as it is per their TOS (yes, for "dispute")."

you get no charge for paypal dispute, you just decide to steal money from the client. truly moneygrabbing fraudster.


i suggest you open a dispute and raise it to a claim as an "unauthorised charge" you will get refunded. and if this fails (very unlikely) open a chargeback with the bank.

05-07-2015, 06:57 PM
charging $50 is silly for something that cost you $0

@wdc you can raise a dispute with paypal as unauthorised charge and if necessary contact the bank.

05-08-2015, 04:14 PM
What you seem to lac is the business sense to understand when you pay employee's an hourly wage and said employee has to spend time to deal with the chargebacks that cost money there for the $50 fee it totaly reasonable
or would you rather your business loose money?

05-09-2015, 01:31 PM
What you seem to lac is the business sense to understand when you pay employee's an hourly wage and said employee has to spend time to deal with the chargebacks that cost money there for the $50 fee it totaly reasonable
or would you rather your business loose money?

not at all. I just believe you are unreasonable (had to use that word because of filter). you win the paypal case whatever happens* unless he opened a unauthorised charge in which case you will almost always loose. in most cases you would win without saying anything. and you pay employee's $50 per hour?, not only that even if you did reply it's a 2 minute job. it would appear you lack business sense, and more a get as much cash as I can in non legit ways. $10 is maybe a max legit for such a penalty but even It may not even be a chargeback in most cases, I will make sure to tell friends and contacts in the industry to avoid you and you're service.

Still the fact the guy paid you is strange, you could not do anything if he didn't..

and I believe you may be a scammer too, you are banned from a certain other forum for questionable actions.

05-10-2015, 11:17 PM
Sir the beautiful thing about being a American is the freedom to charge any amount we wish for our products, If you don't like the fact that we charge $50 for any and all charge backs or disputes that's your problem you don't have to use our services. further more to call us scammers because we are banned from a piss poor troll site "LET" is just poor judgement on your part. Just FYI we are banned because we spook our mind and whom ever runs that site does not believe in freedom of speech. LET is bad for web hosting it drives prices down it hurts good host price points and is just all around a shit site. and they don't like it that i said that,now that makes us scammers? go back to LET where you belong....