View Full Version : Your death and your website - how to prevent website die?

03-19-2015, 04:10 PM
Hi, please can You share ideas on how to do not make your website die after Your death?
I assume we all die soon or later, so how to prevent your website die?

here are my ideas:
A) your familly members should have instructions on how to renew webhosting and how to take care of the site or how to sell it. These instructions can be for example an password protected document in their emailbox
B) in our country one can visit lawyer and create an "Last will" in which will be instructions on how to handle died person web properties. One can also create fund which will finance cost needed to follow instructions in "Last will" (this all may not be cheap)
C) use an webservice, which will send out an email with instructions once some website stop pinging or once some domain expire. Example instructions can contain download link to website backup... Maybe one may email all website members to ask them anyone of them restore backup.
A programmer? create such service (http://internetlifeforum.com/wts-wtb-programming-services/3167-last-will-alert-system/)
D) hand over site / sell it ontime before death
E) let the website die

05-17-2015, 01:27 AM
The website will have to earn enough revenue, or it will die