View Full Version : Wordpress auto approve comments from certain user/s ?

02-17-2015, 05:03 PM
Hello, is there any Wordpress plugin that will allow all comments posted by certain user or group be automatically approved and no antispam measures done?

So far i found "Role Approved Comment" Wordpress plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/role-approved-comment/
installed, but cant find plugin settings page. faq says one may need to install plugin capsman

and second one: Never moderate registered users: http://wordpress.org/plugins/never-moderate-registered-users/

third plugin "User Role Editor" do not allow auto approve, but allow setting any user role to moderate comments

11-13-2021, 09:53 AM
If you want to approve comments in Wordpress then you have to follow few steps.
You can check details about wordpress comments enabling (https://hoststud.com/resources/how-should-wordpress-comments-notifications-be-turned-off.790/).