View Full Version : How to setup PHPList

05-05-2013, 09:44 PM
Tutorial How to setup PHPList mail list management and bulk mail sending script at shared hosting.

Shared hosting has hourly limits like few hundred emails hourly. Learn the exact number first from your hosting company and also ask if there is not any daily or other limit on emails. For example InstantcPanelHosting (http://instantcpanelhosting.com) has 500 emails per hour limit.

Using this tutorial, You will be able to effectivelly use this limit and send newsletter to the thousands of email addresses just by scheduling whole mail sending process using PHPList script.

So we assume you already have your hosting. If not, register cheap hosting with ICP (link above). Then:

1. Login your hosting control panel and find out if you have QuickInstall, Softaculous or Fantastico icon there. You can use these to automatically install PHPList script on your hosting. Otherwise Download PHPList as a .ZIP archive from there: http://www.phplist.com/download . After download, extract it and upload public_html contents into public_html or www directory located your hosting account.

2. From hosting control panel create new mysql database, mysql user and attach mysql user to mysql database , full rights ) Then you end up having mysql db name, mysql username and mysql user password, save these credentials. 3 things which you will need to enter during PHPList installation.

3. Now we uploaded PHPList files and also have mysql database for phplist data. Now edit file public_html/config/config.php and enter your mysql data there. Find on the top:
$database_host = "localhost";
$database_name = "yourhostusername_yourmysqldatabasename";
$database_user = "yourhostusername_yourmysqlusername";
$database_password = 'yourmysqluserpassword';

Also you will need to change few other things like:

Find "commandline_users" and ensure that line looks like: $commandline_users = array();
Not like "# $commandline_users = array();" or $commandline_users = array("admin"); . If there are two $commandline_users lines, ensure that only one is withou # at the beginning and it is this one: $commandline_users = array();
this should ensure automated cronjob mail queue handling

then FIND:
# define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE",300);
and replace 300 by 500 if your hosting has 500 mails per hour limit, then remove "# " from the line start

then FIND:
MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD and set it to 3600 as a seconds in one hour. Note that at the beginning of the line should not be # there are at least 2 occurences of MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD in the config.php file and pay attention only one be uncommented, without # the uncommented one is the one active.

Then FIND:
and set it to 1 or 2 (means seconds) so you dont cause high load on your hosting account and unwanted attention of hosting administrator

Then FIND:
and make it like 30 so you can make many mailing lists

Then FIND:
define ("TEST",
and set it to 0 so you turn off testing mode

Then FIND:
and also END YEAR, set it to like 2010 and 2090

4. Setup so called Cronjob from your hosting control panel to run every hour, this is important for processing mail queue and is necessary for your emails be automatically processed in hourly batches:
/usr/local/bin/php /home/CPANELUSERNAME/public_html/PHPLISTDIRECTORYIFANY/admin/index.php -p processqueue > /dev/null

OR if that above dont make the automatic queue mail sending works, try this cronjob command:
lynx --dump "http://domainandurltophplist/admin/?page=processqueue&login=username&password=Password"
replacing username and password with yours

Here (http://forums.phplist.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11712) is detailed guide on cronjob setup.

That should be all. Save the file on your webhosting. Now you should be able to login admin area at yoursite.com/phplist/admin or yoursite.com/admin


Was this PHPList install guide too difficult? You may also see full PHPList install guide from script author here (http://docs.phplist.com/PhplistInstallation.html) or If you need someone to do PHPList basic installation for you + īget one year hosting for total of whoping $15, please order Mini hosting from InstantcPanelHosting (http://instantcpanelhosting.com) for one year and then send your PHPList installation request to InstantcPanelHosting support.:rolleyes:

03-31-2023, 05:41 AM
Manual installation follows these steps:
Download phpList.
Unzip phpList.
Upload to your server using FTP.
Local Windows installation.
Create a database.
Add the database details to the config. php file.
Configure using web interface.

Rachel Gomez