View Full Version : Which Websites pay bloggers/webmasters for guest posts, blogroll links?

01-08-2015, 11:49 PM
Do you use or know of any website which has paid for guest posts / blogroll links on blogs.
Earlier sponsoredreviews.com was very lucrative, now sponsoredreviews.com does not accept any offers though the blogs submitted are of PR4+, DA21+. A few years ago it was easy to earn money from guest posts, sponsored posts and blogroll links, now all offers for asians have dried up. Linkworkers was a brave attempt to provide an alternative, they have unfortunately closed,
Interested in reviewing the website for listing at http://blogposts.in

07-29-2015, 12:00 AM
I am not sure what you are looking for exactly but there are places like Hubpages that pay per view of your post.