View Full Version : Linux Tor system proxy + iptables killswitch

09-09-2024, 10:15 AM
Do you want Tor to become your proxy for the internet? I have found something that may work, though I have not tested it myself:

The .sh script used in following command empty the iptables firewall, which may be unwanted and in case it is ran on a remote server which has iptables INPUT DROP policy set, it may cause server stop being accessible from outside (possibly until reboot via hosting provider console).

Possibly make sure that the user debian-tor exist on your system. Some hint can provide command "groups" ran under your main user account. If there is no *tor* account and the tor service is installed, maybe replace debian-tor by your username in following commands:

echo -e "VirtualAddrNetwork\nAutomapHostsOnResolve 1\nTransPort 9051\nDNSPort 9053" >> /etc/tor/torrc
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/numb95/8ed337e1a9fca0d78e8d57026b46ce1f/raw/680f8501857b6765e83adf4b4911e82ae131597a/route-traffic-through-tor.sh
sed -i "s|XXX|debian-tor|g" route-traffic-through-tor.sh;sed -i "s|PORT="9050|PORT="9050"|g" route-traffic-through-tor.sh
sh route-traffic-through-tor.sh
systemctl restart tor;systemctl status tor

source: https://gist.github.com/numb95/8ed337e1a9fca0d78e8d57026b46ce1f

The iptables rules applied using above mentioned .sh script, may not survive reboot. If Tor proxy works, then you may consider making the iptables rules persistent by using iptables-persistent package/service.