View Full Version : Buying Funds (Exchanger) - scam

04-30-2013, 06:51 PM
I received Payza from "Buying Funds (https://www.facebook.com/bernales3)" and sent him LibertyReserve. Then payza was reversed by Payza.com (not him problably)

Now im waiting for LibertyReserve refund. I will remove this when i get my money back.

His facebook profile:

Cebu City (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cebu-City/109155499103263?ref=br_rs)

The person with profile "bernales3" is possible thief. Owe me money and require me to send him more money so he will return. stay away from this possible scammer and thief.

Also with nickname: Christoff Bernette

Dont deal with people who stole other peoples life. its a crime.