View Full Version : New Web Coding Site, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Pretty Please Review!

12-15-2014, 12:38 AM
Hello, i've recently made a new website called MineStatus (http://minestatus.co) It is a web development site that offers wikis, tutorials, and references on web coding languages. Currently there is only HTML but I am adding pages everyday. I would like opinions on how:

How to engage visitors better.
How to improve my current SEO.
Is there any better ways to get users to share & like?
What ideas do you guys have to add to my site.
How to improve the forums.
Any thoughts on how to make the content more friendly.
Web colors.
Anything else, like opinions, ideas I could add!
How to improve the user login.

The website is MineStatus (http://minestatus.co) <<< Click Me

Thanks Forum Community! I would love feedback no matter how long it is! The more the better!
