View Full Version : Start FLV streaming on VPS

11-06-2014, 07:50 AM
How to install FLV streaming on Lighttpd

Lets see how we can start FLV streaming on VPS, before installing the streaming lets see how we can install the lighthttp Software, Lighttpd is a free web server designed for speed.. Due to the low memory footprint (compared to other web servers) small CPU load and speed optimizations make lighttpd suitable for servers that are suffering load problems, or for serving static media separately from dynamic content.


yum install lighttpd

vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
server.port = 80
server.use-ipv6 = “disable”

server.username = “nobody”
server.groupname = “nobody”

touch /var/log/lighttpd/error.log
touch /var/log/lighttpd/access.log

chown -R nobody.nobody /var/log/lighttpd

vi /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf

make sure modules and including these for flv steaming…

include “conf.d/simple_vhost.conf”
include “conf.d/flv_streaming.conf”

include ” conf.d/secdownload.conf”

vi conf.d/simple_vhost.conf

example entry

$HTTP["host"] =~ “(^|\.)www.lighttpdexample\.com:80$” {
server.document-root = “/home/cpanel/public_html/”
secdownload.secret = “vAfddsv4$%4?
secdownload.document-root = “/home/cpanel/public_html/media/videos”
secdownload.uri-prefix = “/flv/”
secdownload.timeout = 36000
flv-streaming.extensions = ( “.flv” )
h264-streaming.extensions = ( “.mp4? )


$HTTP["host"] != “^(fotoblow.tamilcomedy\.info)$” {
simple-vhost.server-root = “/home/username/public_html/”
simple-vhost.default-host = “fotoblow.tamilcomedy.info”
simple-vhost.document-root = “fotoblow”

$HTTP["host"] =~ “(^|\.)fotoblow.tamilcomedy\.info:80$” {
server.document-root = “/home/username/public_html/fotoblow/”
$HTTP["host"] =~ “(^|\.)www.cpanelkb\.net:80$” {
server.document-root = “/home/username/public_html/fotoblow/”
$HTTP["host"] =~ “(^|\.)tamilcomedy\.info:80$” {
server.document-root = “/home/username/public_html/fotoblow/”

Then enable steaming modules.

vi conf.d/flv_streaming.conf

server.modules += ( “mod_flv_streaming”)
flv-streaming.extensions = ( “.flv” )

Normally apache will running on port 80, these entries will redirect .flv extension to port 80. Add the following code in your apache configuration.

vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Add the following entries blow domain config

ProxyPassReverse / http://%{HTTP_HOST}:80/
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .*\.(gif|png|jpg|flv|mp4|mp3)$
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}:80/$1 [P]

/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart

Above will install the FLV streaming on VPS which you can start as new stream to your business or marketing strategies.