View Full Version : HyperVM development version installation

11-02-2014, 10:20 PM
HyperVM development version installation guide: http://wiki.lxcenter.org/index.php/HyperVM_development_installation_Guide

But even without that, these are steps i did on an plain CentOS 6.5 64bit server to install HyperVM development version (only for non production servers):
For production servers, here is HyperVM stable release install guide (http://internetlifeforum.com/virtualisation/170-installing-server-vps-reselling-hypervm-hypervisor-openvz-x-xen/)

Before start, you may want to check this script that will do HyperVM beta installation + do other usefull tasks (http://internetlifeforum.com/virtualisation/2607-script-install-openvz-hypervm-epel-vzdump-centos/)

Show CentOS version:

cat /etc/red*

Install Extra packages repository EPEL

## RHEL/CentOS 6 32-Bit ##
rpm -ivh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

## RHEL/CentOS 6 64-Bit ##
rpm -ivh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

If needed to DL some VM backups from external server:

scp root@ExtServIP:/*filename* /destination/folder

Update Linux software (15 minutes, 1HDD)

yum update

HyperVM install

# while lxcenter.org is likely not available, try alternate repo:
echo " download.lxcenter.org" >> /etc/hosts
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slrslr/hypervm/674534084c6fced3529c170030560791e5897a04/deploy-dev.sh --no-check-certificate
sh deploy-dev.sh dev
cd /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm-install/hypervm-linux/
# Following use only example: --virtualization-type=openvz
sh ./hypervm-install-master.sh --virtualization-type=xen/openvz/NONE
After a while answer "Yes" might be needed
sed -i "s|NEIGHBOUR_DEVS=allSKIP_SYSCTL_SETUP=yes|NEIGHBOU R_DEVS=all\\nSKIP_SYSCTL_SETUP=yes|g" /etc/vz/vz.conf

For me all went absolutelly smoothly, then this is result:

Congratulations!.HyperVM has been installed successfully on your server as master

You can browse to the administration interface at:
Secure - https://<ip-address>:8887
Normal - http://<ip-address>:8888

The login and password are 'admin' 'admin'. After Logging in, you will
have to change your password to something more secure.
Thanks for choosing HyperVM to manage your Server, and allowing us to
be of service.

***There is one more step you have to do to make this complete. Open
/etc/grub.conf, and change the 'default=1' line to 'default=0', and
reboot this machine. You will be rebooted into the OpenVZ kernel and
will able to manage VPSes from the HyperVM interface.

Extra note:
To install extra XEN and/or OpenVZ OS templates please run:

sh /script/install-extra-ostemplates

These templates are left out the install process to speed up the
HyperVM installation. By default only CentOS 5 and HostInBox(Kloxo) OS
templates are installed.

#!# Reboot your system to boot into the right kernel #!#

Remember, you installed a Development version. Do not use it on
production servers!

So as instructions says i checked grub to make sure "default=0" and openvz kernel at the top:

vi /etc/grub.conf

Then reboot server:


Then access HyperVM via web browser:
Secure - https://<ip-address>:8887
Normal - http://<ip-address>:8888
admin, admin

To get new updates go to /usr/local/lxlabs and run: git pull

- In HyperVM go to "Services" section and make sure iptables service has both green icons.

- Another non HyperVM related things to do after install: check the bottom of this topic (http://internetlifeforum.com/virtualisation/170-installing-server-vps-reselling-hypervm-hypervisor-openvz-x-xen/)

- using WHMCS billing system to manage hypervm beta? Then read this topic (http://internetlifeforum.com/scripts/2656-whmcs-server-module-hypervm-compatible-new-hypervm-beta/) for fixing several things