View Full Version : Missleading offer from OVH, feeling cheated

09-27-2014, 12:08 PM

i got SoYouStart server
GAME-2 Intel i7 4770K 4 j/ 8 3.5 GHz+ 32 GB 1866 MHz 120 GB SSD

but im very unhappy foudn there are no 16 IPs which i believed i will get.

i discovered they say one must pay around $3 per IP to activate it.

But i got impression they are included in price, this is missleading:


i did not read bottom line, but above image is very missleading and shaddy and i feel cheated by OVH,

so i want to ask cancel server and refund of my server 14 days payment.

I will be hoping OVH will try to understand this missleading and awaiting instructions from staff

04-25-2015, 07:12 PM
OVH is not a good provider if you look around on the review boards you will see more negative posts than positive.