View Full Version : How to use unused linux server?

09-26-2014, 04:52 PM
Hello, any ideas on how i can put Linux server into use when i don't need it for anything and the prepaid term is quite long?

- try to put it up for sale or ask provider to delete it and partial refund for different purchase later
- help Tor network to setup a Tor bridge (https://forum.torproject.net/t/help-censored-users-run-a-tor-bridge/704) or snowflake proxy (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/pluggable-transports/snowflake/-/wikis/home) and later (once obfs gets banned in China,Iran) setup "relay" (http://internetlifeforum.com/showthread.php?t=10054) if its legal in a VPS country & allowed by provider AUP. It will help people access Tor.
- run I2Pd (https://internetlifeforum.com/linux-forums/17697-how-install-i2pd-also-muwire-anonymous-p2p-filesharing-linux-arch-manajaro/#post36615) to help this anonymity network route the traffic
- setup ZeroNet (https://github.com/ZeroNetX/ZeroNet/#how-to-join) proxy, tracker (https://git.disroot.org/anonymoose/ZeroNet_OnionV3/)
- help Opennic project by setting up an open DNS server (https://wiki.opennic.org/opennic/tier2setup)
- donate CPU resources to the science research using BOINC (https://boinc.berkeley.edu/download.php)
- help archive important websites (https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ArchiveTeam_Warrior) by running it on the vmware, virtualbox or docker based virtual machine
- run decentralized search engine Yacy (https://wiki.yacy.net/index.php/En:Start)
- searx (https://searx.github.io/searx/) search engine proxy
- host invidious and similar private proxy for youtube and similar sites.
- list of tools https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted (you do not need this likely, save time browsing that site)
- host private mirror of popular websites listed at https://libredirect.github.io/

04-02-2015, 05:13 AM
Install proxmox, create vps and gift them to family for christmas. On a serious note you can use it as a prize for some contest on this forum.