View Full Version : ionice: ioprio_set failed: Operation not permitted

08-21-2014, 06:51 PM
If You running IONICE on a Linux VPS, you may have an issue. At least on an OpenVZ VPS im unable to set process disk priority using ionice.


/bin/nice -n 19 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 echo test


ionice: ioprio_set failed: Operation not permitted

The OpenVZ server admin has rights to change whole VPS processes HDD I/O priority like this i think:

sudo vzctl set 100 --ioprio 0 --save

sudo vzctl set 100 --ioprio 7 --save

100 is openvz VPS id, ioprio 0 is giving lowest priority to VPS100 processes amongst other VPSs, 7 is highest priority (as explained here (https://openvz.org/I/O_priorities))

Instead of ionice, one can use nice (http://linux.die.net/man/1/nice)

here are nice and ionice usage examples: http://internetlifeforum.com/beginners/2283-how-run-linux-command-script-lowest-priority-nice-ionice