View Full Version : 4 Reasons why Merchants should Start Selling on Google Shopping

Knowband Store
07-15-2022, 12:20 PM
How to grow your e-commerce business. This is the most common question that takes place in the minds of online retailers. The same question may have various ways to overcome, like how to grow sales, how to increase traffic, etc. But the answer to the question becomes tricky as the online market has an increasing number of merchants day by day.

Narrowing down the answer, the simple answer to the above question is that the business can be grown by customer traffic, affiliates, and lots of sales. eCommerce merchants try various unique or traditional methods to reach out to their vast audience base. Some are successful, and some still try.


Today, we are going to talk about the best platform for e-commerce merchants to sell their products. The platform is none other than Google. Since the launch of Google Shopping, the only thing that has remained constant for Google Shopping (https://www.knowband.com/google-shopping-integration)is growth. The Google Merchant Center offers various amazing benefits to the merchants who are selling their inventories on Google. So, without stretching the time, let’s take a quick ride on the benefits of selling on Google Shopping.


1. Advantage of brand name:
Starting with the first benefit, Google protects its seller's reputation with the Google Brand name. The modern digital world could not exist without Google. As per the reports, more than 70% of total eCommerce sales start from a Google search. This is the most solid reason for listing products on Google Shopping, as the platform offers to list the inventory on the Google search list.

2. Pre-built marketing system:
Google has its marketing and advertisement channels. Even though Google is the biggest marketing channel itself, The platform offers merchants amazing marketing options like Google SERP, Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc. The merchants can easily take advantage of these pre-built amazing marketing channels and can easily boost their products’ visibility.

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3. A Vast Customer Audience
The most compelling reason for selling on the Google Shopping Marketplace is the vast customer audience. Google has a variety of users who are distributed equally around the globe. The following facts offer e-commerce merchants the opportunity to sell their beloved inventory to a vast base of customers.

4. Google’s Free listing policy
The last but the most adorable benefit of selling on Google Shopping is Google’s free listing policy. Recently, Google has announced that it is free of charge to list products on Google. However, the merchants will have to pay some amount if they want to make their products appear at the top of the search list by using Google Ads.

Do you know that merchants who have their eCommerce shops based on PrestaShop, OpenCart, WooCommerce, and Magento 2 can also integrate their online store with Google Shopping? The Knowband Google Shopping Connector allows online vendors to set up a seamless bond between Google Shopping and their online shop. The Google Shopping connector module comes with a one-time payment and lifetime usability, so it might prove a good deal for merchants looking for the best solution for selling on Google Shopping.

At Last:
Google Shopping is the best recommendation for merchants looking for a jumpstart for their eCommerce business or planning to set up their online eCommerce business. Google has a variety of plusses for the merchants that offers them rid of headaches.
Google Shopping Connector can be integrated with the online shops just by adding the client ID and Client secret provided by the Google Merchant center and Google Developer Console.