View Full Version : WTS: Weezly Host - Black Lotus DDos Protected SSD Powered Hosting

07-04-2014, 06:27 AM
Weezly Host (http://www.weezlyhost.com) offer Black Lotus DDos protected hosting (http://www.weezlyhost.com/hosting.html) on powerful Litespeed Web Server with Solid State Drives. Boost your website maximum performance.

MariaDB Database Server:- An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL with improved database performance. MariaDB is a robust and reliable SQL server.

LiteSpeed Web Server (http://www.weezlyhost.com/hosting.html):- LiteSpeed web server is up to 9 times faster than Apache web server. It increases performance of PHP by 50% and SSL by 3 times. LiteSpeed fully supports .htaccess, mod_rewrite, and everything else that Apache is well known for. If your website works on an Apache host it will work even better and faster on our LiteSpeed powered hosting!

Solid State Drives:- Our servers are powered by solid-state drives (SSD) which are up to 300% faster than regular hard disk drives to ensure maximum performance and reliability.

CageFS Hacker Protection (http://www.weezlyhost.com/hosting.html):

One user cannot see any other users
• Protects shell, cron & web sessions
• Cannot see other user’s processes
• Provides safe environment
• Users can feel protected
Secure your website from hackers with our CageFS Hacker Protection.

Main Features:

BlackLotus DDOS Protection
Solid-State Drives Storage
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
LiteSpeed Web Server
Multiple Php Ver.
Cloud Linux OS
Latest cPanel with Softaculous
CloudFlare CDN Plugin
RVSiteBuilder Pro (http://www.weezlyhost.com/hosting.html)
Daily, Weekly & Monthly R1Soft CDP Backups
FFmpeg & Flv2tools
LAME MP3 Encoder
Ruby On Rails
Mplayer & Mencoder
24/7 Technical Support
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
and much more!


» RAID-10 Protected Storage: 10 GB
» Premium Data Transfer: UNLIMITED

Starting at $3.90 /Month including Free & Instant Setup!
More Info (http://www.weezlyhost.com/hosting.html) l Order Now (http://www.weezlyhost.com/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=1)


» RAID-10 Protected Storage: 20 GB
» Premium Data Transfer: Unlimited

Starting at $6.90/Month including Free & Instant Setup!
More Info (http://www.weezlyhost.com/hosting.html) l Order Now (http://www.weezlyhost.com/clients/cart.php?a=add&pid=2)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (http://www.weezlyhost.com/clients/contact.php).


08-05-2014, 04:16 AM
Want to try us enjoy our First Month Free offer (work only on monthly plan)


Terms of service:

No port scanning/List scanning.
No IRC botnets/PMA exploits.
No exploits/kits.
No Link warez websites
No Email Spamming
No Child Pornography