View Full Version : What do these 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions do for your eCommerce business?

Knowband Store
01-03-2022, 12:16 PM
Yes, we will discuss the 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions by Knowband in this blog. Further, these 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions are an absolute necessity for your eCommerce business. Why you might ask? Well, because shipping is an integral part of your business. Thus, talking about the 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions is a must. In fact, investing in these 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions is more needful.
In this blog, we will throw light on the general idea of the 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions by Knowband. For more information, you can check them out on the Knowband store. For now, let us take a look at the 3 Opencart shipping extensions below.

OpenCart Product Availability Check by Zipcode Extension
Prior to going to the checkout page, your customers may use the OpenCart Availability check by zip code tool to ensure product availability. On your product pages, the plugin adds a "Check Availability" area wherein consumers may enter their geographical zipcode. Check to verify if the products they want are available for delivery in their area. If the firm does not interact with that location, it indicates that the product is not accessible in the zip code supplied. As a consequence, customers have provided a delivery date estimate. You may also build as many zones and map products as you need from the backend. The module's settings can also be changed.

OpenCart preferred delivery time extension
Your customers may choose the ideal day and hour for their order using OpenCart's favorite delivery time extension. On the checkout page, there's a field named "Your Preferred Delivery Time." Furthermore, if customers want their item delivered at a specific time and day, they may choose the ideal day and time to open. From the backend, you may define the basic delivery break for preferred delivery. You may also adjust the time slots, the delivery time, the delivery days, and other options. Indeed, OpenCart's preferred delivery date and time extension feature allow customers to change delivery settings after they've completed a purchase.

Opencart Free Shipping Manager module
You may provide free shipping to customers that fulfill the back-end criteria with the OpenCart free shipping management plugin. Customers nowadays anticipate free shipping on their products, therefore the OpenCart Free shipping module comes in handy. In the back-end settings, you may determine the minimum quantity for which a customer must shop. In addition, he or she will receive free delivery on their purchase. Similarly, if the customer wants to take advantage of the free shipping offer, you may mention the weight that they must bear in mind. Additionally, the plugin allows you to turn off the free delivery feature for specific countries. Free shipping increases conversion rates and helps you increase your average order value.

In the End
Hence, these 3 OpenCart Shipping Extensions by Knowband are stunning. In fact, they are loaded with features. In addition, have numerous benefits as well. Further, if you think, you want to invest in them, let us know. Moreover, you can even contact us at [email protected] with all your queries.

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