View Full Version : Check out these best 2 Magento 2 Modules by Knowband

Knowband Store
12-29-2021, 10:38 AM
Do you offer the best shipping and delivery services to your customers? Further, these best 4 Magento 2 Modules that we will talk about are stunning and functional. In fact, the best 4 Magento 2 Modules are superb for enhancing the shopping experience. Thus, choosing these best 4 Magento 2 Modules by Knowband is a suitable decision for you and your eCommerce store.

Now, let us take a look at the best 4 Magento 2 Modules by Knowband in this blog.

Magento 2 preferred delivery time extension

Customers may not always be able to obtain the thing they requested. Further, there might be a variety of reasons for this. For instance, client unavailability at their house, an emergency, or a miscommunication with the delivery person. In any event, the business owner cannot bear any customer issues because it impacts the store's earnings and reputation. Customers have the option to cancel their orders, or they will be delivered late. Thus, the shop administrator may now handle such concerns by allowing customers. Furthermore, to choose a desired day and hour for product delivery.

Knowband provides a Magento 2 preferred delivery date and time extension. Further, which allows the online shop administrator to display a drop-down menu of days and times for customers to choose from. The admin can deliver the purchased product on the day and time that the client specifies. The Magento 2 module may be entirely customized by the online merchant to meet their specific needs.

Magento 2 store locator and pickup extension

The shop owner of the web store can now provide in-store pickup at the store. Knowband provides an Magento 2 shop finder and pickup plugin for displaying several stores on a website, allowing online consumers to select their favorite store and pick up their orders there. By providing the Google map API key, the Magento 2 shop location plugin allows you to integrate Google Maps. The shop administrator can stimulate a Google map API key using the URL provided on the Magento 2 Google Maps Store Locator plugin's admin page. In order to enable in-store pickup, the online business owner does not need to modify a single line of code.

On the Magento 2 Google Maps Store Locator module, clients may see store information. For instance, distance, name, address, location, and contact information. Customers will have a better shopping experience for customers if the store administrator improves it, which will enhance sales. Customers may also access the shop located on their smartphone using the Magento 2 in-store pickup module, which is mobile responsive. By importing a CSV file, the online retailer may submit shop information in bulk.

Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Extension

You can easily reclaim the loss of sales with Knowband's Magento 2 Email Follw up module. The plugin keeps track of all abandoned carts on your website and transmits follow-up emails to consumers to urge them to return to your store and complete their purchases. The Magento 2 Abandoned cart email follow-up module requires no extra effort on the part of the eCommerce shop owner. In fact, it automatically sends all email notifications after the set phase lag.

Magento 2 Spin and Win Extension

Knowband's Magento 2 Interactive pop-up aids online merchants in increasing client interaction and generating online leads for their eCommerce businesses. You may use the plugin to add a fun-filled Spin and Win gamified popup to your online business, allowing consumers to play for prizes in return for their email addresses. This will cause them to invest a long time in your website and generate leads for your company. The Magento 2 Spin and Win plugin also assist you in securing sales ahead of time by providing winners with savings and discount codes that they will most likely use on your shop when purchasing goods. This plugin is a must-have for your brand if you want to enhance shop interaction and generate quick leads in a short amount of time.

At the End

Hence, the best 2 Magento 2 Modules by Knowband are the perfect addition to your eCommerce website. Further, if you want to invest in them or have a query, let us know at [email protected].

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