View Full Version : Update/upgrade/install BIOS firmware for HP ProDesk 405 G6 Desktop Mini PC on Linux

12-23-2021, 09:29 AM
Restart computer and when it start at BIOS pre-boot (black screen) folder or repeatedly hit F1 key, then Esc key, then select BIOS setup menu entry (F10), Update System BIOS (note current version), Check HP.com....
If there is really new version i could update to it running PC over UPS device so electricity interruption during flashing not brick the computer.
Process can take couple of minute.


Linux may recommend to keep up to date BIOS drivers.
If having HP computer, on their website (possibly you should do it by adding your computer to https://support.hp.com/us-en/dashboard/device) find out your computer drivers/firmware page (For HP 405 G6 it maybe this link (https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/hp-prodesk-400-g6-desktop-mini-pc/35390258/swItemId/vc-281652-1)) one can see .exe file and no instructions on how to use on Linux. This exe can be renamed to 7z (archive) and extracted or ran on Linux which should use wine software and extract containing files.
Result seems to be the same.

Per the BIOS instructions one can add these files to the FAT (verify by command "gnome-disks") formatted USB flash drive folder /HP/BIOS/New/ . Maybe consider adding previous drivers to ...HP/BIOS/Previous/ too.

The steps:
1. download the .exe file to ~/Downloads
2. connect USB flash drive formated as FAT (or to update from system drive last command below replace /run/media/... path by your efi partition (is it /boot/efi/ ?)
3. open command Linux terminal:

cd ~/Downloads && mv sp*.exe hpbiosupdate.7z;
mkdir -p HP/BIOS/New && mv hpbiosupdate.7z HP/BIOS/New/ && cd HP/BIOS/New && 7z e hpbiosupdate.7z && rm -f hpbiosupdate.7z
cd -;cp -r HP/BIOS/New/ "/run/media/$(whoami)/MyFlashDiskName/"
sync && md5sum HP/BIOS/New/*.bin "/run/media/$(whoami)/MyFlashDiskName/BIOS/New/"*.bin && echo "Above strings must match else file was not properly copied. If match, make sure to un-mount the drive properly."

note: cp -r may be replaced by something like rsync -aP

Then having UPS device to prevent interruption of the update process i reboot and holding F1 key for like 7 seconds at a time when computer resets/start loading. Then release, then should display computer information, i do Esc key, after a few seconds i can see BIOS menu and on the bottom is update menu entry.

https://lukas.dzunko.sk/index.php/Hardware:_How_to_update_BIOS_on_HP_Laptop_using_Li nux