View Full Version : Tutorial: How to install Magento, Language pack and Theme

06-06-2014, 07:45 PM
That was not easy install. so here is how i did installed Magento shop + new language pack + new theme:

-- Magento installation --

Download magento from Magento website:
(its bad, but you will probably need to create account there, you will need it for various packages download)

Example its a .ZIP file. Upload this file to your hosting account WWW or PUBLIC_HTML directory and extract it. Then make sure to copy files from example /www/magento to /www so you have shop in root folder running, not in yourdomain.com/magento

When extracted and your domain is live, and pointing to hositng, open your domain and install should appear. If not appear and you see 500 error, rename .htaccess file to something else, like _.htaccess_ your hosting provider Apache/PHP probably cant read or dont support some instructions from .htaccess file.

Then proceed with install. Install complete.

-- Language pack --

Option A) find language pack here: http://www.magentocommerce.com/translations/
Download that package and upload it to your hosting same way like with magento and unzip.
Option B) go to http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/ and search for: yourlanguage language (example: czech language) and get the Magento Connect 2.0 key. Insert key in Magento admin area in SYSTEM / Magento Connect

-- Theme --

Select your theme at http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/themes.html
and get an Magento Connect 2.0 key on template page. Insert key in Magento admin area in SYSTEM / Magento Connect

Then go to SYSTEM / Theme
and "Add New theme" and in "Custom Design" select theme item.

-- First Steps --

ISSUE: Magento categories and products not visible?
- Make sure categories has Active or Enabled status in its preferencies.
- Make sure products are "Active"/"In stock"/"Enabled" etc., and have stock quantity (product page and then in left menu edit product preferrencies)
- In SYSTEM / Manage Stores click "Main Website Store" and set your category there.

ISSUE: Error: "One or more of the Indexes are not up to date:"
- click that "Index Management" link, Select All, and click to reindex data.

ISSUE: Error "One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated:"
- click that "Cache Management" link and select invalidated cache and select something like Renew/Refresh

ISSUE: How to change Home page text or add protucts to Home Page:
- Go to CMS / Pages
- select homepage and put following code to the content:
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="999" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}

ISSUE: Magento uploaded product images are not visible in admin area nor frontend
- try rename /media/.htaccess file to samothing else and refresh page, mouse over image. Or make sure media folder and folders to: media/catalog/product/ have writtin permissions.