View Full Version : Can we change IP address of our internet?

05-05-2014, 10:04 PM
There is problem is changing the Ip of my internet. I used some applications they did not work properly and some extensions also i added but after keeping the extension it did not load the page. Restarting the router again and again for changing the Ip is very much boring and time wasting.
So i need to know hoe to change Ip?

05-06-2014, 03:38 PM
If you have dynamic IP, then restarting router or such is needed to change IP.
If you have static IP (IP dont change), then you need to use thing called "proxy".

Proxy is internet service that you set in your internet browser or applications and they will connect to it and then proxy itself will connect to the internet. Your IP can be checked by www.myip.ms (http://www.myip.ms)