View Full Version : Which forum script you like most ??

04-28-2014, 02:33 PM
There are many forum script. Some of them are free and some of them paid. Lets share our opinion about our favorite forum script. I hope you all will join me.

I like MyBB forum script. There are many reason for this. I want to share some reason. First its free and easy to install. It's very easy to mange. There are many free/paid plugins and theme for MyBB.
I love MyBB forum script.

Let me know about your choice .

04-29-2014, 04:45 PM
I dont have experience with MyBB, but i do have with PHPBB, Vbulletin and Simple Machines Forum.

PHPBB is most spreaded free forum script i think, with huge community which is big advantage.
Simplemachines is not much good, many outdated plugins, hard to manage.
vBulletin is the best for serious big communities i think. I quite regret i installed phpbb and not isntalled vbulletin. I think people like vbulletin much. The vbulletin support community is huuge and helpfull, alot of mods for almost any purpose.. Xenforo is also popular and pretty, but paid.