View Full Version : APPLINK — партнерская программа с эксклюзивными

08-13-2021, 03:44 PM
💸 Here’s how you can make money on mobile device ads and more 😉

APPLINK is an affiliate program with exclusive offers and direct advertisers’ terms. At the moment, we are providing offers for such verticals as pin-submit, gambling, dating, sweepstakes, web games.

It’s simply CONVENIENT to work with us:

✨ We accept almost all of the traffic sources (FB, TikTok, BIGO, UAC, Teaser Network, In-App, YouTube and others)

✨ Wide GEO ranges, including tier 1 and tier 4 regions

✨ Competent 24/7 assistance and a personal manager that’s also concerned with your success

✨ A bot informing you about limits; direct authorization; auto-sharing feature

✨ We develop apps for our partners for different verticals (gaming, videos, utilities, gambling, dating)

✨ Giving out TikTok and BIGO agency accounts

Sign up to the service and make your profit:

💸 Расскажем, как заработать на мобайле и не только 😉

APPLINK — партнерская программа с эксклюзивными офферами и условиями от прямых рекламодателей. На сегодняшний день мы представляем такие вертикали, как: pin-submit, gambling, dating, свипстейки, WEB-игры.

С нами работать УДОБНО:

✨ Принимаем практически все источники трафика (FB, TikTok, BIGO, UAC, Teaser Network, In-App, YouTube и др.)

✨ Обширное ГЕО, в том числе топовые (тир1, тир4)

✨ Компетентная поддержка 24/7 и личный менеджер, который заинтересован в твоём успехе

✨ Бот с капами, прямая авторизация, на платформе работает автошар

✨ Даем агентские кабинеты TikTok и BIGO

✨ Разрабатываем для партнеров собственные приложения разных вертикалей (игры, видео, утилиты, гемблинг, дейтинг)

Регистрируйся и зарабатывай:

08-13-2021, 03:52 PM
�� Всем привет!

В нашей партнерской программе вы всегда сможете найти офферы вертикали PIN-Submit с хорошими ставками. И сегодня мы предлагаем начать знакомство с пятерки ТОП ГЕО по PIN-Submit от нашей партнерской сети APPLINK ��

1. Великобритания
ID #432 оффера, выплата 2.5 - 2.9$
Ссылка на оффер:

2. Россия
ID #448 оффера, выплата от 0.22$
Ссылка на оффер:

3. Саудовская Аравия
ID #440 оффера, выплата 1.19 - 1.44$
Ссылка на оффер:

4. Турция
ID #332 оффера, выплата 0.44 - 1.07$
Ссылка на оффер:

5. Египет
ID #429 оффера, выплата 0.16-0.2$
Ссылка на оффер:

Переходите по ссылкам и подключайте понравившийся оффер, а по всем возникшим вопросам вас всегда проконсультирует личный менеджер �� До скорых встреч!

�� Hi everyone!

You can always find the PIN-submit vertical offers with good rates in out affiliate network. And today we thought we introduce you to top 5 PIN-submit GEOs that our affiliate network APPLINK has to offer��

1. UK
Offer ID #432, payouts $2.5 - 2.9
Link to the offer:
2. Russia
Offer ID #448, payouts from $0.22
Link to the offer:

3. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts $1.19 - 1.44
Link to the offer:
4. Turkey
Offer ID #332, payouts $0.44 - 1.07
Link to the offer:

5. Egypt
Offer ID #429, payouts $0.16-0.2
Link to the offer:

Follow these links and connect your favorite offer. And if you get any questions, you can always contact your personal manager �� See you soon!

08-13-2021, 03:54 PM
😎 Делаем зарубежные статьи доступными!

Друзья, огромное количество арбитражников хотело бы читать бурж-источники, однако делать это не всем позволяют знания иностранных языков. С сегодняшнего дня это не проблема! Мы переведём статьи для вас 😉

В этой статье мы узнаем, как правильно выходить из штрафных ситуаций и защитить свой сайт от потери трафика. Мы поговорим о алгоритмических и ручных санкций от Google, способах проверки наложения ручных санкций и способах их предотвращения, разберём 7 основных Google санкций и выясним, как их избежать.

Ссылка на статью: https://bit.ly/2VP3uw9


08-14-2021, 10:27 AM
✨ Завершаем неделю полезным дайджестом mobile news!

С каждым днем мобильная индустрия становится все более и более популярна во всем мире: развивается как техническая ее сторона, так и маркетинговая. Социальные сети все чаще и чаще внедряют новые виды рекламы на своих платформах, а рекламодатели, в свою очередь, вкладывают все больше денег на продвижение товаров и услуг. Арбитражное комьюнити тоже не остается в стороне и использует это в своих целях.

Читать 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/2VL77n5 (https://bit.ly/2VL77n5)

Telegraph (https://bit.ly/2VL77n5)
Новости mobile 13.08
С каждым днем мобильная индустрия становится все более и более популярна во всем мире: развивается как техническая ее сторона, так и маркетинговая. Социальные сети все чаще и чаще

08-16-2021, 02:46 PM
😉 Дорогие партнёры!
Сегодня понедельник, а это значит, время подводить итоги и называть лучшие ГЕО.

На прошлой неделе ими стали:

1. Испания
ID #768 оффера, выплата от 6$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. Великобритания
ID #432 оффера, выплата 2.5 - 2.9$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3Axl7PI

3. Саудовская Аравия
ID #440 оффера, выплата 1.19 - 1.44$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

4. ОАЭ
ID #423 оффера, выплата 1.27 - 1.57$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

5. Португалия
ID #749 оффера, выплата от 6.5$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/37Oupuo

Переходите по ссылкам и подключайте понравившийся оффер, а по всем возникшим вопросам вас всегда проконсультирует личный менеджер 💬 До скорых встреч!

08-16-2021, 03:13 PM
�� Dear partners!
It’s Monday, which means that it’s time to reflect on the best GEOs.

Last week, those were:

1. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. UK
Offer ID #432, payouts $2.5 - 2.9
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3Axl7PI

3. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts $1.19 - 1.44
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

4. UAE
Offer ID #423, payouts $1.27 - 1.57
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

5. Portugal
Offer ID #749, payouts from $6.5
Offer link: https://bit.ly/37Oupuo

Follow the links and connect to your favorite offers, and remember that you can always contact your personal manager if you get any questions�� See you soon!

08-18-2021, 12:58 PM
Качай скиллы в арбитраже вместе с APPLINK!

Друзья, сегодня мы с вами поговорим на такую актуальную и интересную тему, как конструкторы white pages.

Суть генераторов white pages, как известно, заключается в том, чтобы помочь максимально быстро создать простой одностраничный сайт и сэкономить драгоценное время арбитражника. Как это сделать — читайте в нашей статье!

Ссылка на статью: https://bit.ly/2W6Lyx8

Telegraph (https://bit.ly/2W6Lyx8)
Конструкторы white pages: инструкция по применению
Сегодня мы с вами поговорим на такую актуальную и интересную тему, как конструкторы white pages и чем это может быть полезно для среднестатистического арбитражника.

08-20-2021, 11:45 AM
🔥 Внимание всем льющим с Google!

20 июля 2021 года компания объявила, что в сентябре будет вводить изменения в системе штрафов – новый механизм трех нарушений.
Никто, конечно, нововведению не удивлен, однако вебмастера неоднозначно относятся к скорому запуску пилотной версии нововведения, последствия которой будут зависеть от каждого конкретного аккаунта. В этой статье мы поговорим обо всем, что нам нужно знать о новой системе.
Ссылка на статью: https://goo-gl.su/WDM3r1B

08-23-2021, 04:47 PM
�� Hi everyone!
We’ve prepared a new list of top GEOs for you today. In it, you will find Middle Eastern countries, as well as other just as popular directions:

1. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts start from $6
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts between $1.19 - 1.44
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

3. Oman
Offer ID #430, payouts between $1.1 - 1.3
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3zagU4r

4. UAE
Offer ID #423, payouts between $1.27 - 1.57
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

5. Turkey
Offer ID #332, payouts between $0.44 - 1.07
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3ixgSxw

Follow the links and connect offers you liked the most, and if you’ve got any questions, feel free to contact your personal manager �� Until next time!

�� Всем привет!
Сегодня мы подготовили для вас свежий ТОП ГЕО. В нем вы найдёте страны Ближнего Востока и другие, не менее популярные направления:

1. Испания
ID #768 оффера, выплата от 6$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. Саудовская Аравия
ID #440 оффера, выплата 1.19 - 1.44$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

3. Оман
ID #430 оффера, выплата 1.1 - 1.3$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3zagU4r

4. ОАЭ
ID #423 оффера, выплата 1.27 - 1.57$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

5. Турция
ID #332 оффера, выплата 0.44 - 1.07$
Ссылка на оффер: https://bit.ly/3ixgSxw

Переходите по ссылкам и подключайте понравившийся оффер, а по всем возникшим вопросам вас всегда проконсультирует личный менеджер �� До скорых встреч!

08-26-2021, 11:14 AM
📚Boost your affiliate skills with APPLINK!

Today we’re going to talk about a very interesting and relevant topic of white page builders.

As we know, the thing with white page generators is that they help create simple one-page sites as fast as possible and save affiliates’ precious time. Read our article to find out how to do this!

The article: https://goo-gl.su/caGwk

08-30-2021, 03:47 PM
📢 Summer’s almost over but our top offers with awesome GEOs and payout rates aren’t😉

In today’s series, you’ll see that Russia is back on the list as one of GEOs, as well as Switzerland with payout rates staring from $12.5 🔥:

1. Spain
Offer ID #768, payout starts from $6
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts between $1.19 - 1.44
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

3. Switzerland
Offer ID #691, payout starts from $12.5
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3mKWGuM

4. Russia
Offer ID #448, payout starts from $0.21
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/37umMcH

5. Turkey
Offer ID #332, payouts between $0.44 - 1.07
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3ixgSxw

💬 Contact your personal manager if you ever have any questions. Good luck with your campaigns! 😉

09-08-2021, 04:20 PM
🍁 New week means new top offers. And this time our top is special since it’s the first list of leaders of this autumn.

Let’s see what’s changed in the last 7 days:

1. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts between $1.19 - 1.44
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

3. UAE
Offer ID #423, payouts between $1.27 - 1.57
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

4. Egypt
Offer ID #429, payouts between $0.16 - 0.2
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3jPmrIn

5. Turkey
Offer ID #332, payout $0.44 - 1.07
Link to the offer: https://bit.ly/3ixgSxw

😉 Contact your personal manager if you have any questions regarding rates, connecting offers, and help with launching ad campaigns!

09-15-2021, 04:28 PM
✨ Fall season is big with various events in our field, however, we still must dedicate enough time to make money! Let our fresh list of top GEOs help you with this:

1. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

2. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts between $1.19 - 1.44
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

3. The UAE
Offer ID #423, payouts between $1.27 - 1.57
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

4. Egypt
Offer ID #429, payouts between $0.16 - 0.2
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3jPmrIn

5. Switzerland
Offer ID #691, payouts from $12.5
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3mKWGuM

😉 Contact your personal manager to learn about payout rates, connection offers, our help with launching ad campaigns, and any other important questions!

09-30-2021, 03:35 PM
😎 Anonymous. Secure. Efficient.

This is all is brought to you by just one browser for working with multiple accounts within different platforms, including contextual ads and SMM — AEZAKMI!

Anto-detect browser is something you can’t get by without while working in affiliate marketing. Using AEZAKNI, you can substitute virtual machines or several PCs by one program while remaining invisible to anti-fraud systems.

Use the APPLINK promo code and get a 10% discount to one of the best anti browser solutions on there market, brought to you by professionals 😎

10-05-2021, 12:00 PM
🔥 As hot as the sands of Saudi Arabia.
Fresh like Turkish figs. Meet our new list of top offers through the GEOs:

1. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

2. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.16
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

3. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #811, payouts from $1.52
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

4. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

5. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #440, payouts bette between $1.19 - 1.44
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3xBovr1

😉 Contact your personal manager if you have any questions regarding connecting offers, help with launching ad campaigns, or any other issues!


10-11-2021, 03:43 PM
✨Pin submits that you shouldn’t be ashamed for. Rates that bring you real profit!
Today’s list of tops offers, as always, includes a set of 5 best GEOs that are bringing other people money right this second🔥

1. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #811, payouts from $1.52
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

2. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

3. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.16
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

4. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

5. UAE
Offer ID #423, payouts between $1.27 - 1.57
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3xOJirq

😉 Contact your personal manager if you have any questions regarding connecting offers, help with launching ad campaigns, or any other issues!

10-18-2021, 05:09 PM
⚡️ 5 hot GEOs to drive traffic from right now!

Our top list only includes the beat offers, and this week our offer #811 has warned the leading position for three GEOs at once, consider them for your strategy ��

1. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #811, payouts from $1.52
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

2. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

3. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.16
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

4. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

5. UAE
Offer ID #811, payouts from $2.2
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

�� Contact your personal manager if you have any questions regarding connecting offers, help with launching ad campaigns, or any other issues!

10-25-2021, 06:30 PM
Top 5 GEOs that are ready to bring you profit now!

Here’s a fresh list of top GEOs of the week. In it, you’re going to find offers for Egypt, Turkey, Russia, and other countries.

And, almost all offer’s have increased rates this week ✨

1. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.19
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

2. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

3. Russia
Offer ID #706, payouts from $0.35
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3Gkh1OP

4. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $6.5
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

5. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #866, payouts from $1.68
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3bfF1UN

😉 Contact your personal manager for any questions you have!

11-02-2021, 10:13 AM
🤘🏼Hi everyone!
These days, we are seeing so many affiliate offers on the market that even experienced publishers start getting confused and choosing (by far) not the best GEOs and offers. However, our practice will help you avoid making these unpleasant mistakes.

In this article, we’re going to talk about Italy as a GEO: we will describe its residents’ mindset, talk about the special aspects of this region, and those top offers that are guaranteed to bring you profit. Let’s start!

Read the article here: https://bit.ly/3nNfsjT

11-05-2021, 08:58 AM
😱 Are you still sleeping on this affiliate anti-browser?

The service can make your life so much easier, so don’t neglect this opportunity😏
The Dolphin Anty service is going to make your life easier and under a great deal!

Since our APPLINK discount code will give you a 20% discount for the anti-detect browser 🔥

Sign up here: https://anty.dolphin.ru.com/ru

And get your advantages:
• real footprints
• simultaneous work with hundreds profile
• convenient ways to interact with your whole team

#Dolphin #Applink #affiliatemarketing

11-08-2021, 03:13 PM
⚡️ A fresh list of APPLINK’s top GEOs!

Here are the best offers of the week for Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries. And, we’ve got a new one today — France🇫🇷

1. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #811, payouts from $1.68
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

2. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

3. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.19
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

4. UAE
Offer ID #811, payouts from $2.2
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

5. France
Offer ID #922, payouts from $1.44
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BYadmB

📌Contact your personal manager if you have any questions regarding connecting offers, help with launching ad campaigns, or any other issues!

11-12-2021, 01:58 PM
🎁 Glad to give you all the discounts we have!

Today we have a 20% discount for one of the best tracker systems out there – Keitaro

Keitaro is a powerful and flexible tracker tool that helps with driving traffic:
💎work with no redirections
💎all the statistics in one place
💎a built-in landing page editor
💎any kinds of integrations
💎a full-blown API

Sign up here: https://keitaro.io

Enter the APPLINK discount code and use your traffic to the max 😉
And we’re going to take care of the rest!

11-22-2021, 05:04 PM
💎 We’ve got the best GEOs for pin submit offers!

Dear publishers, we’re glad to present an updated list of top 5 GEOs of the APPLINK affiliate network. East, Africa, Russia, Europe – the whole world’s converting😅

1. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #811, payouts from $1.6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

2. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.19
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

3. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

4. Russia
Offer ID #421, payouts from $0.2
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3oJAMaA

5. Spain
Offer ID #768, payouts from $7.5
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2VYfH1c

💥 Contact your personal manager regarding payout rates, connecting offers, help with launching ad campaigns, and other questions you have!

12-01-2021, 03:06 PM
🔥 It’s hot in the Middle East right now. And not just because they practically don’t have winter over there but also because our offers are on fire in those countries! 😎

1. Iraq
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.24
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

2. Saudi Arabia
Offer ID #811, payouts from $1.6
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

3. Egypt
Offer ID #811, payouts from $0.19
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3BaFWBv

4. Russia
Offer ID #421, payouts from $0.2
Offer link: https://bit.ly/3oJAMaA

5. Turkey
Offer ID #790, payouts from $4.8
Offer link: https://bit.ly/2ZbQ7aJ

📌 Contact your personal manager regarding payout rates, connecting offers, help with launching ad campaigns, and other questions you have!

12-03-2021, 05:49 PM
🍓 Let us make your life easier!

FBTOOL, an irreplaceable service for the ads management automations really can make it easier!

And our discount is another bonus you’re getting!
Use the APPLINK promo code and enjoy a 20% discount for the FBTOOL.

FBTOOL means:
✅ comment section maintenance
✅ statistics
✅ automated campaign launches and ads management

Ask our managers for discounts for other top tier services too, we’re trying to collect all the services for you❤️