View Full Version : Forum still shows error even after reinstall!

04-22-2014, 03:29 PM
I did't find any category to post this topic, so I post it here.

I am in a big problem and I need help

Sometime ago I make a forum with mybb then I install Comet Chat. After that when I trying to visit my forum it shows this message : Sorry, your mobile browser does not support chat.

Then I delete the comet chat folder from my server then I try to visit my forum and it show that message again. After that I delete mybb forum script from my server and install smf. Then I try to visit my forum and it show that message again. Now I delete everything from my server and then try to visit my domain ( www.forumforu.net (http://www.forumforu.net) ) it show that massage again and again. Please help me someone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need help.

I may pay you to solve my problem.

04-22-2014, 03:53 PM
Hi, this looks like some caching issue (isnt this message cached in your browser)?
What about clearing browser cache, trying other borwser, restart computer, trying accessing your domain via proxy like hidemyass.com or anonymouse.org ?

Also check that your domain is redirected to your hosting. If you changed nameservers from old to new hosting sometimes it can take some time untill its propagated and actually redirect to new hosting...

Dont you use cloudflare, or some content delivery network to cache the webpage contents?

When i access http://www.forumforu.net/ , it shows properly installed XMB forum