View Full Version : Installing Kloxo on clean CentOS 5.X server

04-04-2013, 11:56 PM
The process is quite easy, but whole installation if you choose installincluding mysql etc + content management systems templates for Kloxxo takes around 30 minutes. This tutorial is made out of this basic lxcenter one (http://wiki.lxcenter.org/Kloxo+Installation+Guide).

How to install Kloxo on centos:

Have at least 256MB ram. Around 2GB of disk space. Large /tmp which is used by kloxo to store temporary backups.

disable selinux: vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
check its status: /usr/sbin/sestatus
disable now as root:
su - root
setenforce 0

install or update wget: yum install -y wget
download kloxo install script to root: wget http://download.lxcenter.org/download/kloxo/production/kloxo-installer.sh

a) install kloxo as master including mysql etc.
sh ./kloxo-installer.sh --type=master

b) install kloxo as slave including mysql etc.
sh ./kloxo-installer.sh --type=slave

c) install kloxo without mysql (if you already installed it)
sh ./kloxo-installer.sh --type=<master/slave> --db-rootpassword=PASSWORD

When installation is done:

Congratulations. Kloxo has been installed succesfully on your server as master

You can connect to the server at:
https://<ip-address>:7777 - secure ssl connection, or
http://<ip-address>:7778 - normal one.

The login and password are 'admin' 'admin'. After Logging in, you will have to
change your password to something more secure

We hope you will find managing your hosting with Kloxo
refreshingly pleasurable, and also we wish you all the success
on your hosting venture

Thanks for choosing Kloxo to manage your hosting, and allowing us to be of