View Full Version : Transfering Wordpress site from one cPanel hosting to another cPanel hosting provider

04-06-2014, 09:35 AM
The process of transferring an Wordpress blog from one cpanel hosting server to another server is little bit complicated when done manually (without assistence of server administrator).

Steps to transfer site:

Option A)

Contact your new hosting provider and tell them your old cPanel account login username, password and URL and ask them to transfer your cpanel data. After it is complete, change your domain nameservers.

Option B)

If previous does not work or you think you may do it quicker yourself, do following:
1) login old cpanel, go to Backup section and download home directory backup file
2) login new cpanel, go to Backup section and restore home directory backup
3) go to old cpanel, Backup section and download mysql + email filters backup
4) change your domain's nameservers in your domain registar control panel, so domain point to new hosting
5) go to new cpanel, Backup section and restore mysql + email filters backups
6) go to new cpanel, File manager, www folder and edit wp-config.php to reflect database name and username that you can see in (new cpanel/MySQL databases section)

Option C)


1. Login old cPanel
2. open File Manager and enter your wordpress blog folder (usually public_html or www) and click "Select All" button, then click button "Compress". Then download .zip file that has just been created to your computer. So you have files backup.
3. in cPanel click "Backup" icon and then click your mysql database name to download backup of mysql database to your computer. Example i have it in section "Download a MySQL Database Backup" and db name is: "cpanelusernamehere_wp". So you now backed up files and mysql. If you created some Email accounts and have emails in them, then i have no experience in backing up these. Only create new mailbox on new cpanel.


4. Login new cPanel
5. open "File Manager" and go to same section as on old hosting like public_html or www and click Upload button to upload you .zip files backup. Then click uploaded file and click Extract in same folder. So yoiu restored files.
6. in cPanel go to MySQL section and create new mysql database here + new user + assign new user to new mysql. Write down all details like mysql name, username and password.
7. open File Manager again and edit file wp-config.php and replace old mysql details by new one you just created and save file.
8. in new cPanel, click PHPMyAdmin icon, select your newly created mysql database and click "Import" tab. Select your mysql backup file you created on old cPanel and upload it, Import it. It should succeed.
9. (optional step) If you want to host your blog on subdomain now or change domain of your blog, then in PHPMyadmin you need to click your mysql database name and you should see list of tables like wp_commentmeta, wp_comments and others. click "Browse" link next to "wp_options" table and there you need to replace yourdomainhere.tld by yournewdomainaddress.tld
10. Now change nameservers in your domain registar control panel, so domain point to new hosting
11. your domain will still be loaded from old hosting like 48 hours before nameserver change propagate in your internet service provider. You can make sure if you are accessing blog hosted on new server by renaming wp-content.php file on old hosting, so you see if website stopped working, so you see if you load site from old hosting yet.
12. dont delete backup files, if you have issue contact your hosting provider describing your issue exactly, you can also write there, but reply is not guaranteed and probably will not be responded ontime.

02-10-2017, 03:28 PM
Excellent information. While transferring the website from old host to new host remember not cancel the old hosting plan from the previous host unless the migration is successful and website propagation is complete.

01-30-2018, 01:10 PM
Well I was curious that instead of manually migrating WordPress website newbie should using WordPress migration plugin (https://www.cloudways.com/en/wordpress-migration-plugin.php). There are several good migrate plugin which can smooth the whole process I would recommend to use All In One WP Migration, Cloudways WordPress Migrator or Duplicator. All the best