View Full Version : Tutorial: How to ftp some files from linux server using lftp

04-04-2013, 01:58 AM
install lftp using command: yum install lftp
confirm "Y"

Then move to directory with your file you want to send to remote FTP.

cd /directory/subdirectory
Then do command:

lftp ftp://ftpusername@ftpServerIPorDomain
then you will be invited to type password tot hat ftp.
then you will type command
put filenameyouwanttoupload

you can also get filename from ftp server.

12-26-2020, 12:48 PM
Absolutely amazing tutorial, thank you very much. I have passed it on to my mates from top resume (https://www.topresumewritingservices.com/topresume-com-review/), who were curious whether it's possible to do this operation easy. Thank you

07-18-2022, 03:56 PM
thanks for the link!