View Full Version : Stat sites backlinks, does it still work?

03-30-2014, 12:53 PM

maybe you tried/listen about this too.

There are webpages, which shows traffic statistics of some domain (website), there you can see referers, incoming urls of website visitors. And this way comes blackhat spam.

You use special windows program which will open these statistics sites and as an referer it will use the URL you wish to promote. The result it that this URL is added into this statistic site and serves as an backlink or an advertisement. Effectivity and value of this blackhat technique is questionable..

So my question is if thiere are still statistics systems which works for this blackhat spam?

I have an blackhat app called QuickBacklLinks and it can be used for this purpose:



11-12-2014, 10:05 PM
Yes it does still works, but just for indexing the backlinks.