View Full Version : How To Host a Website: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners

03-05-2021, 06:44 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/HsV2Vv3T/How_To_Host_a_Website_A_step_by_step_Guide_for_Beg inners.jpg

How to Host a Website? First, pick a name and purpose for your new website. Research and decide which platform you will use to create your website. Next, build your website using the software that you have chosen. Then, set up your domain name and get it registered with a web host. Finally, get it hosted on the appropriate web server. In this piece of content, you will learn a comprehensive overview of how to host a website on the internet.

Domain registration is the basic requirement for making your website live, so follow the tips and choose a perfect domain name first. Now, you need a web hosting provider (web host) such as Temok for getting a space on the internet where you can host your website you have developed or going to create soon.

If you are just starting out then, it is great to get a domain and hosting from the same company. I have the good news for you, Temok provides a FREE .com domain with Linux shared hosting Turbo Plan at the lowest price. What will you get with this shared hosting plan from Temok?

Full Article Source: https://www.temok.com/blog/how-to-host-a-website/