View Full Version : [Solved] Manjaro Linux + XFCE desktop (review of the amateur user)

01-20-2021, 10:31 AM
Issues faced on Manjaro+XFCE (some not yet solved) as a Linux basic user/newbie:

- Issues setting up ZFS+LUKS full disk encryption, seen fatal errors, not easy to setup that + SWAP LVM for newbie
- Laptop lid clopsed means external monitor goes black screen
- Issue with apps like VLC and Clementine which allows assigning any basic key like spacebar system-wide which can prevent these keys working normally
- No GUI app for instant file search
- Wrong timezone, had to bother manually setting ntpd service
- Launching .AppImage does not seem to be friendly/out of the box. Manually installed "appimagelauncher"
- Trouble installing addons for popular file manager Dolphin ("Failed to execute install script")
- !! Having external display connected to laptop, it does not show login screen when reconnecting the external display, have to blindly type password, then screen is displayed
- Not enough intuitive setup of the multiple monitors/displays
- Bug in Thunderbird and in VLC player (common Inbox not display e-mail; some vlc processes not closing)
- Some minor annoyances needing research and manual tweaking because commands output is not enough newbie friendly
- !! My Canon printer is not recognized, not ideal drivers, not fault of Manjaro
- Some file managers does not remember per-folder display/layout choice (thumbnails, details list…). Not entirely Manjaro problem. Dolphin seems best, then Nemo.
- Unable to rearrange tabs in the bottom taskbar by default
- Issue with missing desktop icons
- I can not set minimum accepted interval between the two mouse clicks so the erroneous doubleclick is ignored
- Opposite/confusing sorting icon than in Windows
- !! No audio/sound when media launched from certain application, not via system default file manager
- Package manager wants to uninstall two apps because of changed dependency, confusing to a newbie
- started freezing daily

Positive things:

- quite up to date apps
- not bad community forum, but developers does not care, i am not aware about bug tracker
- optional repositories like AUR, snap, appimages allows running nearly all Linux software i wanted.

VERDICT: If you are having newer AMD computer in 2022-2023 i would try Debian rolling instead.