View Full Version : What is better SEO or Digital Marketing..?

12-01-2020, 01:45 PM
Hello friends,

What is better SEO or Digital Marketing..?

12-02-2020, 12:08 PM
Digital marketing is a broad market with many sub-markets and fields. But digital marketing is mainly any advertising used on online, video, radio and television. Although SEO is not in marketing, it can optimize your website to rank higher in search engines such as google, bing, and yahoo.

12-03-2020, 05:05 AM
Both are good and have their own plus points. It depends on your requirements which will be the best for you!

Car Care Products
12-04-2020, 08:35 AM
Agree with the answer of John!

12-08-2020, 03:34 AM
Both have their own importance, it depends upon your requirements!!