View Full Version : What is name server?

03-07-2014, 02:38 PM
I want to know information about name server? it is ip address of hosting server or else?

11-19-2015, 09:57 AM
No thats not IP address ,...

11-19-2015, 11:57 AM
It is an computer that holds information needed for example to redirect some domain visitor to proper server where are hosted this domain website files.

Example domain has these nameservers set:

So when someone open that domain in web browser, the request is then sent to the nameserver mentioned above. This computer then process the request an eventually help provide website data back.

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_server#Domain_Name_System

04-25-2017, 10:16 AM
A nameserver is a computer that is attached to the internet to trasnlate domain names into IP address.

VPS9 Networks
04-26-2017, 08:51 AM
Nameserver is a specialized server on the internet used to handle the translation of domain name to IP addresses.

04-27-2017, 09:51 AM
Each website exist on IP address and nameserver is a part of DNS(Domain name system). DNS is look like a database which works as a phone book for the computers. It changes the domain name like an address "www.abcd.com" to a machine readable IP address as "44.342.115.67".Whenever we type a domain on browser, namesercer offer the IP address of the domain t the browser.

08-28-2019, 08:36 AM
Domain Name servers are the basic builiding blocks of Domain Name Servers, they are used to map your domain with the ip address in the root name servers.

09-21-2019, 06:17 AM
Remembering a IP address is difficult for a number of domains , so the name name act as an building blocks(Records)for the DNS system were your ip gets mapped with Domain. when you search for website through the domain name , it goes and points to the IP address

10-24-2019, 08:35 AM
A name server is a computer application that implements a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service.

02-25-2020, 05:24 PM
I want to know information about name server? it is ip address of hosting server or else? Name sever is basically a DNS record . It is the one that allows the usage of a domain name instead ip address , it binds a domain name with ip.

10-27-2021, 09:55 AM
Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server. To do this, they help web browsers and other services access your domain's DNS records.

04-12-2022, 10:47 AM
Name servers to arrange and route traffic across the internet. When you type a website address into your browser's address bar and press Enter, your browser begins decoding the site and sending your traffic to the appropriate web server. The name server is in the midst of everything, storing all of the information about which websites are hosted.

06-09-2022, 06:46 AM
Nameservers are used to link URLs to web server IP addresses. The Domain Name System (DNS), also known as the "phone book of the Internet," relies heavily on nameservers.

08-29-2022, 05:43 AM
In a nutshell, name servers manage and direct internet traffic. Your browser begins the process of decoding the website you're looking for and directing your traffic to the appropriate web server when you type a website address into the address bar and press Enter. The name server, which sits in the midst of this procedure and contains all the information on the locations of websites, is what keeps track of where each website is located.

The domain name, or the name of the website you input, is difficult for a computer to comprehend. The IP address, a longer string of precise numbers, is considerably simpler to understand. Name servers connect information that is simple for humans to understand with information that is simple for computers by translating the domain name into an IP address.

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03-15-2023, 04:54 AM
a nameserver is a server that converts domain names into IP addresses. These servers act as the connection between IP addresses, which computers can understand, and domain names, which we as humans can remember.