View Full Version : [Solved] WTS: Fat powder is one of the greatest products in the food industry nowadays

Ahmed Rabeh
06-09-2020, 11:14 PM
How many times we find customer who searching for healthy and clean product, and sometimes we find more that we find customers who need a food product that suit their allergic or their diet like vegetarian people and all that so normal among the extend in the food industry and the many products that come out every day, which is make most of business owners, who really want to offer customers a real value and at the same time stay in the competition with their clean products.

So TIBA Company offers all business owners among all the food industry a great new ingredient like Tiba fat powder (https://www.tiba-trade.com/products/Fat-Powder) wholesale that based on vegetables oil and sometimes we could it as vegetable fat powder, which is make it a natural product that GMO free and fats free.
Fat powder advantages:
• Whitening properties
• has 30% - 50% fat range
• Available based on soybean, canola, coconut, palm or sunflower oils.
• Used in a diversity of dry mix applications substitute traditional cream, butter or vegetable liquid oils.
• Enhanced creaminess , texture and mouth feel
• Suitable for convenience foods
• Use of non-hydrogenated fats
• Low content of trans-fatty acids
• Suitable for vegetarian products
• Different types of fat (depending on customer requirements)
• Convenience of concentrated dry powders
• Ease of storage, handling and incorporation into finished blends
• Improve fat distribution in mixes
• Add creaminess, opacity and adhesive properties
• Batters

Fat powder applications:
• Breading
• Biscuits
• Cookies
• Cakes
• Gravies
• Muffin Mixes
• Sauces
• Soups
• Processed Side Dishes: – Pasta – Potato – Rice
• Ice cream

So now you must agree that if you want to offer customers a real value you have to depend on Fat powder, which is will help you to stay on the track and offer customers all their needs in a high quality and affordable price.
Through years we all used to that to find an organic or healthy food product we have to find it expensive, and all that make customers who depend on vegan food just a few people, but nowadays with the high knowledge of customers and many diseases that we see every day, almost all customers became needed to organic, healthy, has many features and affordable product, and all of that easy to happened with a product like: Fat powder, especially because there are many fat powder distributor all over the world, which is make us find fat powder in USA and Fat powder in UK.