View Full Version : WTS: What is mean by Domain in Data Analysis?

06-06-2020, 10:28 AM
Data science is a big umbrella and includes many technologies, tools and administrative part. Data is the new gold in the current era. Generation of the data is increased tremendously after 2012. Each and every click is generating the data. Handling, storing and analyzing data is the new challenge. This blog emphasize more on domain analysis of the data.
So what is analysis?
Data analysis always starts with the problem statement. For example an “XYZ” company want to start the new product. Before starting of the new product the company has to do the market survey. Market survey is based on collection of the data, which can have hundreds to billions of records. Analysis of each and every case with various permutation and combination may lead to take proper decision. Doing the same process again and again is time consuming and tedious task. Tools for analysis will be helpful for better insight with visualization of the data.

10-14-2020, 03:40 PM
Sometime after finishing my PhD, I also joined this mass of domain ... data science has come to mean different things to different people.