View Full Version : How to use Twitter to grow your business

05-03-2020, 03:02 PM
There are some people who think that Twitter was invented to inform people about the meal they had at breakfast, but most of you know of course that Twitter is a project much more than just mentioning what you ate at breakfast. There are already many of you who know the value of Twitter in running a business on the Internet, but it still carries a lot of promises and accomplishments, to be in the market in which you work, and to grow your business, and increase the size of your network, and win a large popularity without spending a lot of money. Ways to follow for effective use at work.

We now show you 62 ways to use Twitter effectively in your field of work, no matter how much revenue you earn in the short and long term:

Share your expertise to build credibility

Help others solve their problems.

Share tips about your business, and how to balance it with normal life.

Photo sharing (Twitpic has made it easy now) for conferences, travel, products, or anything else that grabs people's attention.

Presenting what has been highlighted in events and conferences.

Put news related to your business, company, world, along with some comment.

Indicate an article or any content written anywhere, by adding a brief about it, and why it is valuable, and it should be read.

Add original ideas, and suggestions to topics you care about, your industry, or your business.

Grow your network

8. Asking about other places, so you can get the most out of your planned trip, or even meet up with your friends on Twitter.

9.Connect with your friends from other social networks. Can you mention one name you know, only made one subscription to one social network? We do not think so.

10. Join the topics and groups related to your business.

11. Add a backlink to other social sites that report your latest tweets, such as FriendFeed. (Of course keeping in mind that you should be careful before you integrate with your Twitter account with your personal files on social sites such as Facebook so that your tweets do not overwhelm the subscribers with you on your profile).

12.Full social media and your work: When someone asks you a question on Twitter, reply briefly on Twitter as well as add a link to another website that contains the response in detail.

13. Subscribe to Twitter Chats regarding your industry, or your business regularly. Although you must be aware about the flow of tweets from chatting in such a location, and it is possible to overwhelm your comments in the room, so keep in mind that you log in with more than one ID in the same room, to maintain a greater presence.

14. Do a good search for potential clients before you meet them. You can simply learn a lot about them by viewing their tweets, their files on social sites, as well as their circle of contacts and friends.

15. Discover the different directions .. You can use Twitter Search for this. You can also use Mashable as it has a list of tools you can use to track interests and trends on Twitter.

16. Make a network spread for you and your Twitter account so that you can find new clients, or even find a new job if you are looking for work. Just be very careful about making your tweets excessively promotional ... The Twitter account must express you in person first before using it for any promotional activity, and know very well that your Twitter followers circle very much loves to feel that you are a really useful friend, and I am not just a seller seeking to get their money , Or any other interests with this account.

17. Keeping in constant contact with your friends and colleagues .. and we all know very well that there is always one of your friends or your old colleagues at work, what often holds you a deal or the way to a new deal someday.

18. Get Referrals Referrals
19 Referrals Referral Grants
20. Question questions.
21. Get answers to questions.
22.To suggest other users of Twitter in your social network, and those reasons clearly explain the reasons that drive others to follow them, by sharing their good deeds and their unique tweets, which will prompt others to do the same with you accordingly, because of its mutual cognitive benefit.

23-Use the Search feature to find topics, keywords, and places. Also use hashtags or usernames, to reduce results or responses that refer to a specific person.
24.Post your tweets during the day, instead of grouping them simultaneously, because people naturally check Twitter at different times of the day, and also try to find peak times for Twitter users, and be sure to be present at such times with your favorite tweets, or your dazzling offers.
25.Connect / communicate with people / accounts related to a job you want.
26. Look for merchants and contractors related to your business.


27. If your site is not performing well for the reason for which it was designed, or if you suffer from another problem, just add an update to it on Twitter, to let your customers know what is going on, so that the site does not cause them any concern.
28. Search for experts, and invite them to become guest blogger guest bloggers, or as your own speakers for an important event.
29. Find sponsors for a competition you are launching, or a program you create.
30. Holding a contest using Twitter: It can spread on Twitter as wildfire. Squarespace's iPhone Contest has made it to the top of the list of topics.
31. Use applications and tools such as to develop the background of your Twitter account as well as your file. 2. Create / subscribe to a group / group of leaders in marketing for your field.
33. Keep track of conversations that relate to / mean your products / your name or brand.
34. Respond to tweets that talk about you, your product, or your brand.
35. Put a link to your content on Twitter in a moderate and non-exaggerated manner, so that it does not become an explicit promotion of something.
36. Do market research and gain more knowledge and information by using surveys and polls.
37. Share the results of your polls and opinion polls.
38. Post your Twitter link to all direct marketing outlets expressing you .. put it in your comment in the e-mail, in the newsletter that you send via mail, and in your site, in advertising publications, even on personal cards ... so that customers can Potentially know more information about you and your activity.
39. Share what you do, and in this people learn more about the type of work you do .. It is preferable to do this sometimes, from constantly doing it.
40. Stay away from dry selling techniques, and be sure to build a good long-term relationship with your Twitter followers.
41. Write valuable and honest recommendations / advice for all of your followers while adding resources.
42. Refer (with URL links) to the presentations that you have performed or the videos you have created.
43. Refer to the matter if you intend to attend or speak at a future meeting or conference.
44. Advertise the latest edition of the Newsletter you are launching, with a short, brief description of its topics.
45. Offer discounts, coupons, and special offers through your account.
46. ​​Advertise the vacancies to get the opportunity to hire the talents you need.

Make sure to do the right and funny thing as well

47. Share useful information with potential clients or business owners to increase your reputation in the market.
48. Be nice even if there is a difference of opinion and views.
49. Set up a track letter of thanks to everyone who sent you a direct message.
50. Use Twitter to grow, tighten and sharpen the quality of your writing.
51. Always remember to be funny and carry a blink for everyone who follows you, because this will leave an impression on your followers that you are creative and creative in your work.
52. Make your goals public, so that motivates you and forces you to reach and achieve them.
53.Start your day with vigor and activity: some people find that her Twitter account makes her more energetic, glamorous, and in a clear psychological mood at the beginning of the day.

Finally..a few innovative tips for beginners

54. Read the Twitter 101 Guide as well as other Twitter Articles.
55. Use the keywords in your file to put blink and laugh until you gain confidence and credibility, as well as add your personality and personal touch, and make yourself available to others if they love to reach you.
56. Cancel the automatic photo of you in the Twitter account and replace it with your picture or the image that you think is appropriate to express you and your activity.
57. Follow the experts, leaders, competitors, and leaders in your field.
58.Select an automatic response on Twitter, because it makes you appear to be a liar or deceiver.
59. Focus on the quality of what you write, not the amount of what you write.
60. Be original, real, realistic and direct .. In short .. Be yourself and not be another person.
61. Diversify your tweets, your own tweet, another tweet you retweet, a third tweet that you reply to another person @, links to others - not for you - and other premium content .. and so on.
62.Do not get in trouble or clutter the crowd of Twitter subscribers .. distribute them in groups using a third party assistant like Tweetdeck and Seemic.

Now that you have read this post, do you still suspect using Twitter on your business? If you like, you can read more about how to earn on Twitter.

Do I find you have additional suggestions other than what you mentioned here, and you can add them to us so that we can add them to your profitable means using Twitter?

I would be very happy if you add these suggestions in the comments.

08-27-2020, 10:04 AM
Hey, my Friend.
Thanks, for sharing 62 effective & amazing tips about how to use Twitter for growing businesses & its revenue.
Currently, I am using Facebook social media platform for business advertising & marketing. I will surely use Twitter for business marketing.