View Full Version : How to minimize load time for any website?

02-21-2014, 08:57 AM
How to speed up our website. How to make site load faster when user enter into website? I know that on page optimization can help but try to give as many method you know about it.

02-21-2014, 09:10 AM
Hi, in my experience the webpage load time can be decreased by loading images and other elements like .CSS, .JS from different domains (hosts), then all elements are loaded paralelly at one time, not serially. The services which offers delivery of webpage content are so called Content delivery networks (CDN).

Also speed of website is determined by how many example Wordpress plugins you have enabled. So keep low various plugins, javascripts, flash, visitor counters and similar elements which are big to load.

You can discover cause your website is loading slow by these tools:

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