View Full Version : Free linux proxy checker software with graphical interface?

02-02-2014, 07:43 PM
Hello, do You please know about any free Linux software that can check millions of IPs (proxies) in one run, multithreading supported?

I have around 500Mb proxy list (23 million IPs), Scrapebox (windows sw) cant handle it.

I found a few Linux command line SWs, but for me too complicated to use..

example proxy lists:

win/linux sw:
http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/proxycheck.html - linux checker!!! additional manual: http://debian-panton.blogspot.com/2012/07/install-proxycheck-on-linux.html
http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/black-hat-seo-tools/480849-get-google-proxy-checker-built-bhw.html - cant process big list, works under lxde, Wine
http://www.conity.net/proxy-finder.shtml - windows(linux dont works)
http://gatherproxy.com/gptool - windows probably only windows, not tested. But is free and downloaded 9k proxies!! (around 3k working?)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPW6mKvnTN0 - probably only windows, paid sw, maybe outdated

i installed proxycheck at ubuntu: apt-get update;apt-get install aptitude;aptitude install proxycheck;
then: proxycheck -t 5 -m 200 -M 1 -d host:port
but shows error "proxycheck: no host(s) to check specified"