View Full Version : What Social Media Mistakes Needs to Avoid?

02-28-2019, 04:55 AM
Hello friends,

What Social Media Mistakes Needs to Avoid?

03-06-2019, 07:16 AM
The mistake which should be avoided for social media marketing as:-
- Not dealing with social media negative feedback.
- Not addressing to negative comments.
- Making so many unreal followers.
- Not Interacting to audience.
- Automated Posting Of Links.
- Not analyzing your marketing strategy.
If you not address all this marketing strategy then your it can provide the false impression over your audeince.

As I was doing social marketing on Facebook I considered all this mistake which is mentioned above and by that it help me to improve my campaign activity.

Daniel Wilson
04-24-2019, 06:52 AM
Here are some mistakes that you need to avoid in Social media.

Ignoring or Deleting Comments and Mentions
Promoting yourself a lot
Very Little Interaction
Posting content for the sake of posting content
Not Having a Social Media Team

04-24-2019, 08:17 AM
Some mistakes to avoid:

- Duplicate content
- Spamming
- Posting on irrelevant groups and timelines

06-08-2019, 09:38 AM
Social Media Platforms are one of the best strategies for the promotion of business. Today almost all business are using the social media platform for promotion and in social media, Facebook is the king of social media. So according to your content and audience, you can best choose the social media platform for promotional activity.
Some of the Social Media Mistakes Needs to Avoid are as follow:
-Target Audience according to your business niche.
-Dealing with Social Media Negative Feedback
-Ignoring or Deleting Comments and Mentions
-Being a faceless corporation with no human touch
-Customer service is beyond a ticketing system
-Promoting yourself a lot
-Very Little Interaction
-No Real Followers
-Automated Posting Of Links
-Not Tracking Analytics
-Featuring sex, drugs, violence on your profile
-Not Having a Social Media Team
-Skipping a Social Media Policy

William Phillips
08-07-2019, 12:33 PM
Mistakes that you should avoid on social media are:

1. Less interaction with your audience.
2. Generate fake followers
3. Negative comments
4. Copy content

You should avoid above points in order to highlight your product on social networking and it also helps you to engage more followers to your posts.