View Full Version : How to backup/restore HyperVM settings/config/database

11-19-2013, 05:07 PM
Backing up Virtual machines files is not everything. Probably we want to backup very important thing - a control panel configuration. We need to backup control panel mysql database (in this case HyperVM) which contains configuration, settings of HyperVM. this manual is handy not only for hypervm database backup, but any db backup.

Manual HyperVM mysql BACKUP

Discover your hypervm database name:
1. mysql -u root -pYourMysqlPassword
(you really cant remember mysql root password? you can try resetting it (http://internetlifeforum.com/mysql-apache-php/429-how-reset-mysql-password-via-linux-command-line/))
2. show databases;
See what is your hypervm database name?
3. type: quit and Enter. use following command to backup hypervm mysql

mysqldump -u root -pYourMysqlPasswordHere hypervmdatabasename > path/to/hypervmbackup.sql

Manual HyperVM mysql RESTORE
1. mysql -u root
you really cant remember mysql root password? you can try resetting it (http://internetlifeforum.com/mysql-apache-php/429-how-reset-mysql-password-via-linux-command-line/)
2. show databases;
See what is your hypervm database name?
3. type: quit and Enter
4. Then backup your mysql using command mentioned in section "...mysql BACKUP"
5. Then after successfull backup, you can delete your database, create new one and restore sql file:
mysql -u root -pYourMysqlPassword
show databases;
drop database databasename;
create database databasename;
6. Then you can restore .sql backup file into database:
mysql -u MysqlUsername(CanBeRoot) -pYourMysqlPasswordHere hypervmdatabasename < path/to/hypervmbackup.sql

Scheduling automated regular backup of HyperVM mysql

In HyperVM you can backup its configuration (stored in mysql) this way: Login HyperVM, like http://YourNodeIP:8888 (http://yournodeip:8888/) (or 8887?) and then find icon named "Config Self backup".

Then there you will need to configure your external FTP account login details. If you dont have FTP account located outside your VPS node, you may register some free ftp backup services or buy cheapest webhosting/VPS account from ICPH (http://instantcpanelhosting.com/).
HyperVM will now backup its mysql database regularly and upload it to the remote ftp for further restore. The backup file is named like "hypervm-scheduled-masterselfbackup-2013-Aug-19-1392649040.zip", when this file is extracted, i can find file "mebackup.dump", when opened its standard mysql dump file, which should be able to be restored (http://forum.lxcenter.org/index.php?t=tree&th=604&goto=1947&#page_top) from command line or by renaming to .sql and using PHPmyadmin or similar to import the file.