View Full Version : Indian government makes harmless indian citizens google, tata SLAVES ROBBING MEMORY

08-01-2018, 01:37 AM
Most companies are paying their experienced employees salaries or other compensation for their expertise, in India, the cruel fraud NTRO employees are like robbers, stealing the memory of the google competitor whenever they wish , , without any legally valid reason, offering her any kind of compensation, so that fraud companies like google, tata have complete access to her expertise and knowledge for free. These robber cruel hypocrite ntro employee claim that they are very kind and human, yet they are ROBBING the memory of the google competitor almost daily in panaji, goa, causing her insomnia, adversely affecting her health due to lack of sleep and great financial losses

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, there are many male indian domain investors owning far more domain names than the google competitor,more valuable domain names, yet ntro, indian government is only targetting the google competitor, a harmless single woman engineer for ROBBING MEMORY without a legally valid reason, without any compensation since 2010, causing great financial losses and making it difficult to lead a normal life

It is a clear case of discrimination, human rights abuses because the stolen memory of the google competitor, a private citizen is circulated to a large number of people, denying her the right to a life of dignity and causing her great financial losses. All other Indian citizens are allowed to keep their memory private, why is NTRO, indian government only stealing the memory of the google competitor and circulating it worldwide, without her permission