View Full Version : Regular Memory ROBBERY by fraud bribe taking ntro employees increases google profit

07-25-2018, 03:41 AM
The sex, bribe taking ntro employees are stealing the memory of a harmless google competitor without a court order, legally valid reason , without her permission, without offering any kind of compensation, so that the sundar pichai led google does not have to pay salaries and business expenses ,gets access to all the research and expertise of a google competitor for free since 2010 in one of the worst cases of human rights abuses in the world

The hardworking google competitor had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai and if google had any ethics, it would have to pay a very high salary to the google competitor for her expertise.
Instead it bribes the cruel selfish sex animal ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet ,with goan prostitutes, money to illegally steal the memory of harmless google competitors so that google can reduce business expenses, it does not have to hire employees , pay them salaries,it just steals the memory of google competitors with the help of the robber NTRO employees

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, why is NTRO only stealing the memory of the google competitor without a legally valid reason, denying her the fundamental right to earn a fair living, can the indian government, NTRO explain in an open debate?
Does the government of your country steal and sell the memory of its citizens to google, or is India the only country which STEALS the memory of harmless citizens to increase the profit of the sundar pichai led google, forcing its citizens to work like slaves for google.,tata?